>> Don't forget, that we need also a regular expression for
>> @Path("/abc/de{FGH: .*}fg/image"} and List<PathSegment>.
> I don't understand what you mean. The regular expression for matching
> would be: /abc/de(.*)fg/image. So e.g.
> @PathParam("FGH") List<PathSegment> fgh would give values for foo as:
> /abc/defg/image => {"defg"}
> /abc/de1fg/image => {"de1fg"}
> /abc/de1/2fg/image => {"de1","2fg"}
Yes, you are right. I thought it was more complicated to match than it is.
What should happens, if we have two possibilites to match? e.g.
@Path("/abc/de{FGH: .*}fg/hij"} on a sub resource locator with the
request uri "/abc/de123fg/hij/abc/de456fg/hij"?
is FGH = 123 and the remaining path is "abc/de456fg/hij" or FGH =
"123fg/hij/abc/de456fg/hij" and the remaining path is empty? Or are they
only allowed on (sub) resource methods? In the javadoc of Path I found
nothing about it.