Re: JAX-RS: UriBuilder handling _at_Path values and placeholder regexes

From: Marc Hadley <Marc.Hadley_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2008 11:23:50 -0400

On Jul 29, 2008, at 9:37 AM, Paul Sandoz wrote:

> Manger, James H wrote:
>> The latest UriBuilder looks pretty good.
>> One aspect that isn’t clear (or isn’t how I would like it) is how a
>> placeholder in a @Path value is treated.
>> What does the following create?
>> UriBuilder.fromResource( @Path(“widget/{id}/info”) ).build(“X/123”)
>> 1. “widget/X/123/info”; or
>> 2. “widget/X%2F123/info”

Currently 1.

>> @Path explicitly states that {id} is a segment (not a path) for
>> matching. That is, it matches [^/]+ so %2F is ok, but ‘/’ is not.
>> UriBuilder really needs to treat it the same way. In this case the
>> path(Method), path(Class), and path(Class, String) methods will
>> escape a placeholder as a segment, while the path(String),
>> fromPath(String) and replacePath(String) methods will escape a
>> placeholder as a path.

I don't see why path(@Path("{foo}")) should be treated differently to
path("{foo}"). In the ideal case either method should escape the value
of foo according to its regex (either explicit or implicit) not based
on where the template comes from.

>> I think that is too confusing for such a common case.
>> First, I suggest renaming the path(Method), path(Class), and
>> path(Class, String) methods to resource(…) as an explicit
>> indication that they escape placeholder values differently than
>> other *path(…) methods – and for consistency with
>> fromResource(Class).
> Good suggestion for renaming to be consistent.
I'd rather rename fromResource to fromPath so that the method name
reflects the URI component being affected, but I think the current
naming is also fine.

>> Second, I suggest the resource(..) methods make some effort to
>> handle a regex in a @Path placeholder – without requiring JAX-RS
>> implementations to understand arbitrary regular expressions.
>> Possible text:
>> “For each placeholder in a @Path value:
>> 1. If there is no regex, treat it as a segment placeholder (%-
>> escape
>> ‘/’s);
>> 2. If the regex is “.*” or “.+”, treat it as a path placeholder
>> (don’t escape ‘/’s);
>> 3. For any other regex, %-escape all non-unreserved characters.
>> A JAX-RS implementation MAY relax the 3^rd rule above by not %-
>> escaping characters that it knows are allowed by the regex. An
>> application should not rely on a JAX-RS implementation to recognize
>> such situations.
>> A UriBuilderException shall be thrown if a placeholder value (after
>> %-escaping) does not match the regex given in a @Path placeholder.
> Need to think about this a little more about the above. I am not
> sure i like the processing of certain regexes. It may be simpler to
> validate the value against the regex and reject if it does not match
> rather manage the encoding or not of '/'.
I'd also prefer to validate against the regex rather than requiring
the implementation to parse the regex. Encoding based on specific
regex values is bound to cause issues when a developer starts to use
more specific regex values and I think its too onerous to require
implementations to be able to parse an arbitrary regex and formulate
an encoding scheme to match.

That said, I'm actually OK with the status quo where the onus falls on
the developer to supply values consistent with the path vs path
segment distinction.


>> I think those rules should not be too onerous to implement. After
>> some more experience some common regexs for @Path values may
>> emerge. A future version of JAX-RS could easily extend the above
>> rules to require support for additional regexes – or they just get
>> implemented in most JAX-RS implementations so applications can rely
>> on them anyway. An implementation that tries escaping different
>> reserved char until the regex matches may even be feasible.
>> James Manger
> --
> | ? + ? = To question
> ----------------\
> Paul Sandoz
> x38109
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Marc Hadley <marc.hadley at>
CTO Office, Sun Microsystems.