Finally had the time to check it out, its working nicely except for
formParams which are ignored by the stylesheet, anybody managed to get
them into the html?
the parameter is a param of request/representation rather than of
request as the QueryParam are.
> <ns2:resource path="unmark">
> <ns2:method name="POST" id="unmarkMenuNode">
> <ns2:doc>
> Removes the menu node mark from the specified hierarchy node.
> </ns2:doc>
> <ns2:request>
> <ns2:representation mediaType="*/*">
> <ns2:param type="xs:string" style="query" name="hierarchyNode">
> <ns2:doc>the node to be unmarked</ns2:doc>
> </ns2:param>
> </ns2:representation>
> </ns2:request>
> <ns2:response>
> <ns2:representation mediaType="*/*"/>
> </ns2:response>
> </ns2:method>
> </ns2:resource>
Marc Hadley said the following on 09/29/2009 03:10 AM:
> On Sep 28, 2009, at 11:03 AM, Reto Bachmann-Gmür wrote:
>> I was wondering if somebody already wrote a tool to generate
>> documentation of the rest-api from root-resource classes. The minimum
>> would be to extends the javadoc to inlude the values of the relevant
>> annotations.
> Jersey generates a basic WADL description at runtime. It also has a
> compile-time extension that extracts Javadoc and puts that into the
> generated WADL too. An XSLT stylesheet is available to turn WADL into
> HTML for browser consumption.
> Marc.
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