Re: documenting rest-interfaces

From: Bill Burke <>
Date: Mon, 26 Oct 2009 12:12:16 -0400

Stef Eperdau has written a nice tool for this. Sorry for the late response:

Reto Bachmann-Gmür wrote:
> Finally had the time to check it out, its working nicely except for
> formParams which are ignored by the stylesheet, anybody managed to get
> them into the html?
> the parameter is a param of request/representation rather than of
> request as the QueryParam are.
> cheers,
> reto
> > <ns2:resource path="unmark">
> >
> > <ns2:method name="POST" id="unmarkMenuNode">
> >
> > <ns2:doc>
> > Removes the menu node mark from the specified hierarchy node.
> > </ns2:doc>
> >
> > <ns2:request>
> >
> > <ns2:representation mediaType="*/*">
> >
> > <ns2:param type="xs:string" style="query" name="hierarchyNode">
> > <ns2:doc>the node to be unmarked</ns2:doc>
> > </ns2:param>
> > </ns2:representation>
> > </ns2:request>
> >
> > <ns2:response>
> > <ns2:representation mediaType="*/*"/>
> > </ns2:response>
> > </ns2:method>
> > </ns2:resource>
> Marc Hadley said the following on 09/29/2009 03:10 AM:
>> On Sep 28, 2009, at 11:03 AM, Reto Bachmann-Gmür wrote:
>>> I was wondering if somebody already wrote a tool to generate
>>> documentation of the rest-api from root-resource classes. The minimum
>>> would be to extends the javadoc to inlude the values of the relevant
>>> annotations.
>> Jersey generates a basic WADL description at runtime. It also has a
>> compile-time extension that extracts Javadoc and puts that into the
>> generated WADL too. An XSLT stylesheet is available to turn WADL into
>> HTML for browser consumption.
>> Marc.
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Bill Burke
JBoss, a division of Red Hat