Re: Substitution of same template parameters in UriBuilder

From: Sergey Beryozkin <>
Date: Fri, 13 Mar 2009 15:49:11 -0000

Ok, the subresources bit is clear to me now - thanks


----- Original Message -----
From: "Marc Hadley" <Marc.Hadley_at_Sun.COM>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, March 13, 2009 3:43 PM
Subject: Re: Substitution of same template parameters in UriBuilder

> On Mar 13, 2009, at 11:13 AM, Sergey Beryozkin wrote:
>>>> * first instance of the template parameter. e.g. the template
>>>> "{a}/ {b}/{a}"
>>>> * with values {"x", "y", "z"} will result in the the URI "x/y/x",
>>>> <i>not</i>
>>>> * "x/y/z".
>>>> Can someone explain please the rationale behind it ?
>>> The rationale is that the template says that {a} is included twice.
>>> It would be odd for two different values to be used.
>> I think I can see where are you coming from but at the same time
>> it's somewhat odd seeing a passed in value being ignored given that
>> UriBuilder java docs also say that
>> * Any UI templates parameters will be replaced with the supplied
>> values in order.
> Understood.
>>>> So if we have
>>>> @Path("{a}/{b}")
>>>> class Resource {
>>>> @Path("{a}") void method(@PathParam("a") String a);
>>>> }
>>>> then x/y/z with result in 'z' being bound to a path parameter,
>>> Right, the reason for this was to support recursive sub-resource
>>> locators.
>> Hmm...What is it to do with recursive sublocators ? AFAIK, root path
>> annotations are not considered when locating methods on subresource
>> locators ?
> That's true but path parameters from root path annotations are
> available to sub-resources so we needed to specify that if a sub-
> resource somewhere down the chain uses the same name for a path
> parameter as a parent then the value is the latest, not the first. If
> you use recursive sub resource locators then you end up with multiple
> values of the same path parameter and typically you want the final
> value not the first.
> Marc.
>>>> but if we have uriBuilder.path("{a}/{b}/{a}").build("x", "y",
>>>> "z") then the result will be /x/y/x
>>>> I think in the least it's problematic in the context of a client
>>>> application creating a URI to send a given request to
>>> Possibly but if it causes problems its straightforward for the
>>> developer of the service to choose different names for each path
>>> component.
>> We might disagree on the earlier points but I agree with this
>> one :-). I'd appreciate though some more comments on the sublocators
>> bit
>> Cheers, Sergey
>>> Marc.
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