Re: Changes to spec to resolve Issue 46

From: Marc Hadley <Marc.Hadley_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 21 Aug 2008 13:44:14 -0400

I'm sorry but, as I said earlier, we are currently in the final sprint
to get 1.0 out of the door and we don't have time to fix issue 46
right now. As you probably know delivering a 1.0 JSR doesn't just
involve a spec but also a reference implementation and TCK so the bar
for changes is very high right now and we are only fixing bugs, not
adding any new features.

We'll revisit this for the next version.


On Aug 21, 2008, at 4:37 AM, Reto Bachmann-Gmür wrote:

> Hello
> After the interesting discussions on q-value, I would like to
> suggest a patch to the spec to solve the related issues.
> Goals:
> *
> Address issue 46
> *
> Produce the same results as the current spec if providers and
> methods specify no q-value (except that it might prevents some 406
> responses)
> *
> Remove duplications between provider matching when determining the
> response-type and when processing the value returned by a resource
> method
> *
> Prevent that a response media-type has been selected using a
> MessageBodyWriter for which isWritable returns false in the case
> when isWritable can be invoked before invoking the method.
> (reduces unnecessary 406 response)
> Not sure on how to 'patch' specification, so using some free-style
> syntax.
> Looking forward to your feedback,
> Reto
> The 'Patch':
> [replace first paragraph of 3.7.2 with]
> A request is matched to a set of suitable resource methods or sub-
> resource methods by comparing the normalized request URI (see
> section 3.7.1), and the media type of any request entity to the
> metadata annotations on the resource classes and their methods.
> The set of media type producible with the suitable methods and
> writers is then matched against the requested media types to select
> the combination of method and writer capable of generating the media-
> type that matches the request best. If no matching method and writer
> can be found then an appropriate error response is returned. The
> selection of sub-resource methods, resource method and writer
> proceeds in four stages as follows:
> [...]
> 3. Identify the methods that can handle the request:
> [...]
> [drop end of section 3 starting at "(b) Sort M in descending order
> as follows:"]
> 4. Select method and writer
> *
> Obtain the acceptable media types A. If A = {}, set A = {‘*/*’}
> *
> Set T = {}. For each method in M m
> o
> Gather the set of producible media types P :
> +
> If the method is annotated with @Produces, set P = {V
> (method)} where V (t) represents the values of
> @Produces on the specified target t.
> +
> Else if the class is annotated with @Produces, set P =
> {V (class)}.
> +
> Else set P = {V (writers)} where ‘writers’ is the set
> of MessageBodyWriter that support the class of the
> returned entity object.
> o
> If P = {}, set P = {‘*/*’}
> o
> Set V = {}. For each member of A, a:
> +
> For each member of P, p:
> #
> If a is compatible with p, add S(a, p) to V ,
> where the function S returns the most specific
> media type of the supplied list.
> o
> For each member of V, v:
> +
> if the subtype of v is '*' set v to
> ‘application/octet-stream’
> +
> if m returns Response, GenericEntity or void set W =
> to {null}, otherwise W = the set of suitable
> MessageBodyWriter provider for v and m following
> section 4.2.2.
> +
> For each member of W,w: add the triple (m,w, v) to T
> *
> Remove the members of W for which the writer is a pre-packaged
> entity and another member of W contains the same media-type but an
> application provided writer.
> *
> Calculate a compound q-value for each triple (m,w, v) in W as
> follow:
> o
> If the most concrete @Produces value compatible with v has a
> q-value set mq to this value otherwise to 1.
> o
> If w is not null and the most concrete @Produces value (if
> any) compatible with w has a q-value set mw to this value
> otherwise to 1.
> o
> Determine the member of A compatible with v that has the
> highest q value and set ma to this value
> o
> The compound q-value is the product of mq, mw and ma.
> *
> Sort the members of W using the compound q-value as primary key
> and the type of the writer as secondary key, where
> application-provided writer > null > pre-packaged writer
> *
> Process the request using the elements of the first member of W.
> If if the writer is null it is determined after the method has
> been invoked using the returned object. The steps of section 4.2.2
> are followed, if no writer is found a WebApplicationException with
> a not acceptable response (HTTP 406 status) and no entity MUST be
> generated. The exception MUST be processed as described in section
> 3.3.4.
> [ drop section 3.8]
> [In Section 4.2.2]
> [change 7. to]
> 7. Else if a suitable data handler can be found using the JavaBeans
> Activation Framework create a MessageBodyWriter that uses this
> handler to map the object to the entity body.
> [drop 8. ]

Marc Hadley <marc.hadley at>
CTO Office, Sun Microsystems.