more comments to JAX-RS

From: Stephan Koops <>
Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2008 16:41:48 +0100

Hi all,

is it allowed that a sub resource locator will get the entity Object? I
found nothing about it in the spec, where the sub resource locator is
defined. Semanticly it is at least not useful. I think it should be
forbidden. For some types, e.g. InputStream and Reader it will produce

Until now it is not defined what should happen, if
UriBuilder.extension(String) will get a null.
What should UriInfo.getPathExtemsion() return, if no extension was
available? null or ""? I prefere "". If we use null, we IMO must allow
UriBuilder.extension(String) to get the null value as parameter.

In the section about Content Negotiation and Preconditions (5.1.3.) is a
typing error:
The method request.evaluate(...); was renamed to evaluatePRECONDITIONS(...);
You could also remove the null; a method only for the EntityTag is also

Marc, you renamed some method from ...Template... to ...Path... . There
are a lot of points, where javadoc talk about template parameters (I
found 44 by searching for "templ").nDo you want to change them also, or
should it be as it is?
