Re: _at_PathParam(...) PathSegment ps

From: Stephan Koops <>
Date: Wed, 04 Jun 2008 14:10:01 +0200


+1 for b. Perhaps it is useful to change the javadoc of PathSegment,
that an object represents "one" PathSegment instead of "a" and to note
explicit that it is only the last one, if is false.

What about the follwoing case, where there are multiple variables with
the same name?

@Path("{var}") // limited=true
public class SomeResource {
  @Path(value="{var}" limited=false)
  public SomeType get(@PathParam("var") T var) {...}

The following table shows the possibilties for the path "1/2/3" that
seems useful to me, bases on Marcs proposal b.
| | T |
| |String|List<String>|PathSegment|List<PathSegm>|List<List<PathSegm>>|
| b1 |"2/3" |["1","2/3"] | "3" | ["2","3"] | [["1"],["2","3"]] |
| b2 |"2/3" |["1","2/3"] | "3" |["1","2","3"] | [["1"],["2","3"]] |
I prefer b1. Then List<PathSegm> is analog to String (from the view of
the given information), and it seems useful to me to also allow
List<List<PathSegm>> analog to List<String>.
IMO it is needed, because you could not enusre, that the name you choose
("var") is not be used in another @Path, that already matched parts of
the current requested path.

And - for know - the case
@Path("{var}") // limited=true
public class SomeResource {
  @Path(value="{var}/abc/{var}", limited=false)
  // // limited effects only the second variable
  public SomeType get(@PathParam("var") T var) {...}
(all var names the same) is also allowed.
A call with "1/2/abc/3/4" will result in var_1 is "1", var_2 = "2" and
var_3 = "3/4". What should happen for T = List<PathSegment>? If b2 above
is used, it is clear, that is contains ["1","2","3","4"], but for b1?
["2","3","4"] or ["3","4"]?

Best regards
> Marc Hadley wrote:
>> Attached is a HTML table that outlines what I see as the possible
>> values of var depending on type T in:
>> @Path(value="{var}" limited=false)
>> public class SomeResource {
>> @GET
>> public SomeType get(@PathParam("var") T var) {...}
>> }
>> for a request
>> GET /1/2/3.
>> As pointed out earlier in the thread, options (a) and (d) don't
>> really work for PathSegment since that is designed to represent a
>> single path segment rather than multiple. IMO, option (c) gives a
>> surprising result for String which really only leaves option (b) as
>> viable. Option (b) is a bit odd since the results are quite different
>> depending on the type T but its already the case that PathSegment is
>> special (it extracts the whole path segment even if the referenced
>> template variable has adjacent literal characters) so I think I can
>> live with that.
>> Thoughts ?
>> Marc.
> For those who couldn't read it the first time, the table is at:
> Sorry about that.
> Marc.