> >> @GET
> >> @Path("base/{tail}")
> >> GET /base;matrixParam=ParamValue/beginTail
> >>
> >> does not match the method.
> >The method matches the request, because the matching of @Path(...)
ignores the matrix parameters.
I have one more question about it. Consider a custom regular expression
where a use explicitly requests that only URI containing no
";" symbols in a '/base' path segment are accepted.
I think it's a very realistic way to enforcing a position of an expected
matrix parameter while using @MatrixParam.
Therefore I don't think the algorithm 'matching of @Path(...) ignores
the matrix parameters' works in all cases as it's unrealistic IMHO to
the runtime to check if an arbitrary regular expression explicitly
disaalows ';' or not as there's a number of way to express this
requirement in a regular
Thus I think we have :
1. @Path("base/{tail}")
GET /base;matrixParam=ParamValue/beginTail
This request should be matched
2. @Path("base/{tail}")
GET /base/beginTail;matrixParam=ParamValue
This request should be matched - this is the most expected
outcome as we're dealing with a default regular expression
3. @Path("{base:base&&[^;]}/{tail}")
GET /base;matrixParam=ParamValue/beginTail
This must not match - a user has explicitly requested it
should not.
4. @Path("{base:base}/{tail}")
GET /base;matrixParam=ParamValue/beginTail
This should not match - how the runtime will find out that
this arbitrary reg expression is not equivalent to that one in 3 ?.
In fact, I believe 4 is identical to 1
IMHO it would be inconsistent if 3 & 4 did not match but 1 were expected
to match (as it is now).
Thus I'd suggest that the algorithm "'matching of @Path(...) ignores the
matrix parameters'" is changed to
"'matching of @Path(...) ignores the matrix parameters' only when
parameterized path values are used as in {base}".
In cases like
GET /base;matrixParam=ParamValue/beginTail
By default there should be no match - but if the user would like a match
to happen while ensuring that 'base' path segment is used then
it would be possible for a user to express it using an arbitrary regular
expression which would expect 'base' plus optional matrix params.
Any comments from experts ?
Thanks, Sergey