Re: questions to JSR311

From: Stephan Koops <>
Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2008 15:02:32 +0100


The ApplicationConfig is a very good idea. I have a two questions /
proposals to the extensionMappings:

    * What should happens, if the returning method produces mimes
      (declared by @ProduceMime), that are not compatible with the
      extension mapping? Or should the runtime completely ignore
      @ProduceMime, if a mime type ist found in the extension mapping?
      Or should the runtime only search in the extension mapping map, if
      there is no @ProduceMime.
    * If the @ProduceMime or the accepted media types should be
      respected, than I propose to return a Map<String,
      Collection<MediaType>> instead of Map<String, MediaType>. This is
      useful (e.g. for XML ["text/xml" and "application/xml"] and also
      for JavaScript files ["text/javascript" and
      "application/x-javascript"]), if the bowser acceptes only one of
      this MediaTypes. By design criteria a Set is the best, but I think
      it should be possible to order them, so a List should also be
      possible. So Collection is a flexibel solution.

What about a method UriBuilder.parent()? It should remove the last path
segment. So the application developer must not think about if the
resource class is a direct subclass of the root resource class or if
there are other sub resource classes between them. It's necessary if a
representation of collection element should contain an URI to it's

Do you inserted the ContextResolver as reaction to my email from
2008-02-15 (see end of this email)? I think, this is a complex solution.
Up to now all provider classes could be singeltons; now I have to
provide different provider instances for different ContextResolvers.
If I think to complicated, let me know.

*unfortunately: browser behaviour*
Some popular browsers (e.g. Internet Explorer 7 and Firefox 2) requires
XML (text/xml and application/xml) with a higher quality than HTML.
Don't ask me, why a document viewer requests first of all a media type
intended for machine to machine communication. Opera 9 for example is
more intelligent here (IMO).

Should the JAX-RS consider this (e.g. prefare HTML before other
MediaTypes, if the developer wants this)? I think, than this could be a
switch in the ApplicationConfig. It is also possible to ignore this in
JAX-RS and let this problem be solved by the environment (a
ServletFilter for example, which can change the quality).

best regards

Stephan Koops wrote 2008-02-15:
> [...]
> *Provider for JAXBElement*
> I see a problem for implementing the provider for JAXBElement: I think
> the proider can not know to which class it should convert the given
> representation, because the generic type info with the class to
> convert to is not available in the MessageBodyReader. If
> readFrom(....) will not get only the the
> javaMethod.getParameterTypes()[n] as type, but the
> javaMethod.getGenericParameterType()[n], than the provider can read it.
> [...]