*Visibility of resource methods and locators*
Are non public (sub) resource methods and sub resource locators allowed?
The meaning of visibilty limitation is to not allow access from
everywhere. I think, this should retained here, that means that only
public (sub) resource methods and sub resource locators are allowed. Or
is there any advantage to allow also non-public methods here?
Are matrix parameters allowed in @Path? In some cases that makes perhaps
sense to enforce a given matrix parameter for a method, but this may
result in non-determinism, e.g.: two methods annotated with
"path;mp1=xx" and "path;mp2=xx" (both "path" are equal!) with request:
"path;mp1=xx;mp2=xx". I think it is good to forbid ";" and also "?" and
perhaps other reserved characters (except "/" of course) in @Path.
*Provider for JAXBElement*
I see a problem for implementing the provider for JAXBElement: I think
the proider can not know to which class it should convert the given
representation, because the generic type info with the class to convert
to is not available in the MessageBodyReader. If readFrom(....) will not
get only the the javaMethod.getParameterTypes()[n] as type, but the
javaMethod.getGenericParameterType()[n], than the provider can read it.
*Providers in general*
Why did we need the annotation @Provider? Does it is not enough to
implement the interface(s) MessageBodyReader and/or MessageBodyWriter?
The Jersey providers are also not annotated with @Provider.
Must a MessageBodyWriter/MessageBodyReader close the input / output
stream? The Jersey providers does, but it is not requested in the
specification or in the javadoc.
Do you mean, every container must provide support for
javax.*xml*.transform.Source instead of javax.transform.Source?
best regards