UriBuilder, query/matrix params vs values multiplicity for single name

From: Andrzej Michalec <>
Date: Wed, 28 Jan 2009 23:20:03 +0100

In UriBuilder manipulation of query params allows to bind multiple
values with single name -- e.g. this is observed by varargs in
"replaceQueryParams(String, Object...)". It's generally fine, since we
can have query part of URI like this "foo=bar&foo=baz". So far so
I see however same rule is applied to matrix params. Javadoc points to
document ( that very
clearly states that "attributes can only occur once" e.g taking final
segment of URI we can have "/finalsegment;foo=bar;baz=blah" but this
one "/finalsegment;foo=bar;foo=blah" should be wrong.
Where is the catch, though?
