When to sort Accept header values

From: Sergey Beryozkin <>
Date: Wed, 28 Jan 2009 14:23:21 -0500



I'd like to clarify when to sort Accept header values.

Consider this example.


public class TestClass {



public Book getBook1() {}



public Book getBook2() {}




1.Accept: application/xml;q=0.5, application/json;q=0.6


getBook2() is selected


2.Accept: application/xml, application/json


getBook1() is selected ?


3.Accept: application/json, application/xml


getBook2() is selected ?


if the above examples are correct then is it the case that Accept header
values should not be sorted for the purpose of selecting a method to be
invoked ?


I've got a bit confused - when they actually should be sorted ? Section
3.7.2/3.b mentions Accept, but say nothing about sorting of accept
values. Which makes sense,


Do they need to be sorted only when a selected method has multiple
Produces values, to determine the media type of a given response ?


Thanks, Sergey