Hi Sergey,
which type of object should RuntimeDelegate.createEndpoint(appConfig)
best regards
Sergey Beryozkin schrieb:
> Hi
> May be we can settle on just extending ApplicationConfig with getAddress()
> and let users do
> RuntimeDelegate.createEndpoint(appConfig, null) which, if supported,
> result in the endpoint capabale of servicing requests being
> immediately created ? Or just have
> RuntimeDelegate.createEndpoint(appConfig) and get rid of the second param;
> I personally have no much problems with reusing JAXWS Endpoint
> interface but it's likely to be somewhat controversial :
> 1. It will likely affect the image so to say of the RI, even though RI
> will still be all about RESTful services - no problem for CXF though
> :-). For some users it will conflict with the idea that Restful
> services basically do not mesh at all with WS-* services...
> 2. Perhaps it might be a bit late to decide how RESTful
> implementations of the existing Endpoint interface should react to
> various Endpoint method invocations even though it might be obvious...
> RuntimeDelegate.createEndpoint(ApplicationConfig, null)
> is a reasonable compromise, at a later stage either a new Endpoint
> interface might be introduced ir the reuse of the existing one can be
> debated further.
> I basically see RuntimeDelegate.createEndpoint(ApplicationConfig) as
> the basis for a JAX-RS portability, hence I'm interested in seeing it
> updated...
> Cheers, Sergey