Re: Case-insensitive Response.getMetadata

From: Marc Hadley <Marc.Hadley_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 29 Apr 2009 10:57:17 -0400

On Apr 29, 2009, at 5:00 AM, Sergey Beryozkin wrote:
> Would it make sense to actually allow for case-insentive
> Response.getMetadata() ?
I think it would. The issue is the extra burden on developers that
provide their own implementation of Response rather than using an
implementation-supplied builder. To require case insensitivity would
be a backwards-incompatible change.

> It might make it simpler for MessageBodyWriter providers checking if
> a given header has been set earlier on in the application code,
> without worrying about the case-sensitivity...


> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Marc Hadley" <Marc.Hadley_at_Sun.COM>
> To: <>
> Sent: Tuesday, April 28, 2009 9:14 PM
> Subject: Re: Case-insensitive Response.getMetadata
> On Apr 28, 2009, at 2:48 PM, Sergey Beryozkin wrote:
>> I’d like to confirm that MultivaluedMap<String, Object> instance
>> returned by
>> Response.getMetadata() is case-insensitive.
> Its not required to be case-insensitive.
>> Ex.
>> MultivaluedMap<String, Object> headers =
>> ResponseBuilder.ok().header(“Content-Type”, “text/
>> xml”).build().getMetadata();
>> assertNotNull(headers.getFirst(“content-type”));
>> Is it correct ?
> No. Maybe you are assuming it is the same as the map you get from
> HttpHeaders.getRequestHeaders which is case insensitive ?
>> If yes, then given that Response.getMetadata() is modifiable, what
>> is the value of content type after
>> headers.putSingle(“content-type”, “application/xml”);
>> is it
>> assertEquals(“application/xml”, headers.getFirst(“content-type”));
>> assertEquals(“application/xml”, headers.getFirst(“Content-Type”));
>> ?
>> Another question :
>> ResponseBuilder.ok().header(“Content-Type”, “text/
>> xml”) .header(“content-type”, “text/plain”).build().get(“Content-
>> Type”);
>> Is it text/xml or text/plain or { text/xml , text/plain} ?
> The builder isn't required to normalize case either, so I'd expect
> text/xml and a malformed response with two content type headers.
> Marc.
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