Hi Brad
> Hi,
> apologies for jumping in here but I just wanted to get some
> clarification. Just as a bit of background, I originally discussed
> this as regards CXF with Sergey who was kind enough to raise the issue
> here. This CXF JIRA entry might give some more background on the
> problem:
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CXF-1572
> Anyway, if I read this correctly the conclusion being drawn here is
> that the spec doesn't support differentiation between URLs where
> literals are mixed in with {variables}. For example, that it cannot
> distinguish between /{a}/{b}/{c}/d and /{a}/{b}/{c}/d/{e}.Is that
> correct?
As I said on the CXF list I believe it's a CXF bug we're talking about, not the JAX-RS one...
I'm just trying to figure out in this thread where is CXF failing to implement the algorithm properly
Cheers, Sergey
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