Re: URI template with regexp using nested curly braces.

From: Sergey Beryozkin <>
Date: Tue, 10 Mar 2009 17:51:36 -0000

Hi Marc

>> Can someone confirm please that as far as handling expressions like "/area/{zipcode:[0-9]{5}}", it's up to
>> a given implementation how to handle them and no assumption can be made that the default Java regexp should be used ?
> How exactly an implementation supports regexs is up to the application but I think all implementations need to support the same
> regex syntax. I'd assumed the standard Java syntax would the one we'd use, it would be odd to pick another one.

Thanks - the question is more about if the default Java regex support is capable of handling the nested curly braces - it appears
that it's not quite easy to handle with the default support

Cheers, Sergey

> Marc.
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