Re: Compatibility Testing Scholarship Request for implementation of JSR 311 on top of the Restlet framework

From: Stephan Koops <>
Date: Fri, 15 Feb 2008 12:35:07 +0100

Hello Paul,
>> when is the Technology Compatibility Kit available for JSR 311?
>> I requested twice for a schoolar ship for it (2008-01-11 and
>> 2008-01-25), but get no response.
> I was not aware that you made such requests, and I am very sorry and
> frustrated to hear that you got no response, twice. Can you please
> tell me who you contacted and we can try and follow up and expedite
> things?
I've send it to, as written on (4th line)
>> When can I estimate it?
> To be honest i don't know. Marc and I will try and find out.
thank you.

P.S.: I've put my request here:

Stephan Koops wrote 2008-01-11:
> This form is for applications for no-cost access to TCKs for Sun-led
> JSRs in the Java Community Process. Please read the requirements for
> qualified efforts which can be found at
> Send the completed form and any supporting documentation to:
> Section I. Identification
> I.a Name of organization:
> (leave blank if applying as individual)
> I.b Address:
> (leave blank if applying as individual)
> I.c Contact person:
> The TCK Review Board requires a single point of contact for the
> applying
> organization.
> Stephan Koops
> I.d Address:
> Wolliner Straße 96 G
> 22143 Hamburg
> Germany
> I.e Email address:
> I.f Phone number:
> +49 (0)40 / 41 48 96 85
> I.g Fax number:
> no fax
> I.h Request is for organization or for individual: Organization /
> Individual
> Individual
> Section II. Status Information
> For organizations:
> (leave blank if applying as individual)
> II.a Describe the legal status of your organization.
> --
> II.b Provide a link to or describe your organization's bylaws.
> --
> II.c Provide a link to or describe your organization's decision
> making process.
> --
> II.d Describe the nature and source of your organization's funding.
> --
> For individuals:
> (leave blank if applying as organization)
> II.e Employment information:
> - Employed by:
> (Has nothing to do with this project)
> - Freelance:
> - Self-employed:
> - Other:
> Student at the University of Applied Sciences Hamburg
> (
> II.f Are you applying as individual contributor to a group effort:
> Yes / No
> no
> II.g If yes, describe group effort:
> --
> Section III. Project Description
> III.a Name of project:
> Restlet integration with JAX-RS 1.0
> III.b If applicable, web site or url:
> not yet
> III.c Description of project:
> Master thesis: Implementation of JSR 311 on top of the Restlet
> framework (
> III.d Schedule. Describe the timeline for the project, eg when is
> the anticipated ship date, what stage is it now (alpha, beta, early
> access etc):
> I've yesterday (2008-01-10) official registered the master thesis at
> my university. I have to hand in it latest on 2008-07-10.
> Section IV. TCK
> List the JSR(s) you are requesting TCK access for. Indicate for each
> whether you are also requesting to receive support:
> JSR 311: Perhaps I need some help for understanding because I can't
> identify the exact meaning of the english words, because foreign
> languages are not my strong point.
> Perhaps there is support needed for the JSRs the JSR311 is depending on.
> Section V. Additional information
> Provide any additional information or links to web sites or documents
> that may be helpful to the Review Board in considering your application:
> *
> The Restlet founder Jerome Louvel is a member of the JSR 311 expert
> group.
> * The JSR-311 page you now better than me :-)
> In considering your application the Scholarship Review Board may
> contact you with questions for clarification or additional information.
> Thank you,
> The Compatibility Testing Scholarship Review Board .
> best regards
> Stephan Koops