Re: Annotations on interfaces and super classes <was> Re: URI Contracts

From: Stephan Koops <>
Date: Wed, 11 Jun 2008 14:39:34 +0200

Hi Bill,

I mean: Let the annotation inheritance in the spec, and do not remove it.

best regards

Bill Burke schrieb:
> ??? Spec already allows interfaces and subclassing so there's nothing
> to "let in".
> Stephan Koops wrote:
>> Hi,
>> this seems good arguments to me. We do not bound JAX-RS to anything,
>> but we give implementers the possibility to do so.
>> I think, we could let it in.
>> Stephan
>>>>> I've only done portable integration. Its as simple as registering
>>>>> a JNDI resource with JAX-RS runtime. JAX-RS runtime receives an
>>>>> EJB reference from JNDI, looks for JAX-RS annotations, uses the
>>>>> EJB reference as the target endpoint for method dispatching from
>>>>> an HTTP request. Kinda no different than Spring or Guice
>>>>> integration, except you're getting the object from your EE
>>>>> environment.
>>>> So you annotate the EJB remote interface with JAX-RS annotations ?
>>>> How do you register the JNDI resource with the JAX-RS runtime -
>>>> servlet params ?
>>> @Local|_at_Remote
>>> @Path("/customers")
>>> public interface CustomerDAO {
>>> ...
>>> }
>>> Doesn't matter if its local or remote.
>>> Register a JNDI name as a context-param
>>> <context-param>
>>> <param-name>resteasy.jndi.resources</param-name>
>>> <param-value>
>>> java:comp/env/MyEJB
>>> </param-value>
>>> </context-param>
>>> Or do it programmatically through our registery SPI.
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