q-value support (was Re: MediaType.isComaptible)

From: Reto Bachmann-Gmür <>
Date: Fri, 15 Aug 2008 09:33:16 +0200

RFC 2616 defines the q-value as indicator of the relative quality, not
just as mean to sort the request media-ranges. If jax-rs wants to fully
support this, we must know about the relative quality of the
representations that can be generated.

The RFC say:
> The example
> Accept: audio/*; q=0.2, audio/basic
> SHOULD be interpreted as "I prefer audio/basic, but send me any audio
> type if it is the best available after an 80% mark-down in quality."

The server obviously cannot fully satisfy this request, if it doesn't
know if the audio/basic producer's quality is less than 80% inferior
than the producer of audio/something-else.

Marc Hadley wrote:
>> Example:
>> The class Song encapsulates an ogg-vorbis stream, on the server there
>> are producers for following content-types:
>> - application/ogg;q=1
>> - audio/x-ms-wma;q=.8
>> - audio/mpeg;q=.9
>> As our audio object encapsulates ogg-vorbis data, so application/ogg
>> can be produced without quality loss, but producing mp3 reduces
>> quality by 10% and wma 20%.
>> The client sends a request with the following header:
>> Accept: audio/x-ms-wma, audio/mpeg;q=.9, application/ogg;q=.7
> Given the above I think its perfectly acceptable for the framework to
> automatically select audio/x-ms-wma. An alternative selection can be
> implemented within an application if desired.

This seems acceptable here, as the quality difference is so small, what
if on the server audio/x-ms-wma is generated by a very experimental
producer generating "audio/x-ms-wma;q=.1"? If there are clients which
support only wma and listening to the Song in poorest quality is
considered better than nothing, it makes sense to install such a
producer, but delivering wma to the client described above would be
clearly against how we should interpret the request according to the RFC.


> Marc.
>> Delivering audio/mpeg the user can listen to the song with a 19%
>> mark-down in quality and that's the best quality she can get.
>> Reto
> ---
> Marc Hadley <marc.hadley at>
> CTO Office, Sun Microsystems.
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