Re: q-value support (was Re: MediaType.isComaptible)

From: Marc Hadley <Marc.Hadley_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 18 Aug 2008 10:37:48 -0400

On Aug 16, 2008, at 5:38 AM, Reto Bachmann-Gmür wrote:
> You cannot interpret the q-value in an RFC compliant way, without
> knowing about the relative quality of the producers, so
> selectBestAudio would have not only to take the accept-headers but
> also the available providers:
> public Response get(@Context HttpHeaders h, @Context Providers
> providers) {
> List<MediaType> ahs = h.getAcceptableMediaTypes();
> // application-based behaviour for media type selection
> MediaType bestType = selectBestAudio(ahs, providers);
> ...
> the selectBestAudio would have to get the producers for all entries
> in the accept-header retrieve the q-value by getting parsing the
> @Produces annotation and select the best one.
>> Note that the runtime algorithm of ordering will not get in the way
>> in such circumstances and in no way does it appear that
>> applications are no longer benefiting from many features otherwise
>> provided.
> If the runtime supports the q-value semantics to add that low
> quality wma producers for devices that do not (decently) support
> another format is trivial. Without that support in the runtime the
> application has to care about details (via context-injection,
> annotation parsing and returning Response instead of Audio) it
> otherwise wouldn't.
I think I understand now what you are asking for, it sounds quite
similar to the Apache mod_negotiation approach:

As you may know, we're currently in the final sprint to complete the
specification, reference implementation and TCK for 1.0 and
unfortunately we don't have time to consider new features at this
point. However I've added issue 46[1] to keep track of this and we'll
consider including support for "quality of source" in the next release
of the spec - for 1.0 all sources will be assumed to have the same
quality. I'll also ensure that there's nothing in the 1.0 spec that
will make it hard to add that feature later.



Marc Hadley <marc.hadley at>
CTO Office, Sun Microsystems.