WADL representation of JAX-RS resource

From: Sergey Beryozkin <>
Date: Thu, 11 Jun 2009 12:56:24 +0100


apologies if it is an off-topic post, I can easily forward this email to a more appropriate list. I used this one as the question is specifcally about maping a JAX-RS resource.

here is a sample resource :

public class Books {

@GET public Books getAll() {}
@POST public void addBook() {}

@GET @PATH("{id}") public Book getBook(@PathParam("id") String id, @QueryParam("name") String name) {};

@PATH("chapters") public Chapters getBooks(@QueryParam("id") String id) {}

public class Chapters {
@GET @Path("/content") public Chapters getl() {}

here is a possible mapping, with some questions in the copmments, I reread the wadl spec only yesterday so be patient please :-)

<application xmlns="wadl ns">
     <!-- schemas for Books, Book -->

   <resources base="http://localhost:8080/rest">
      <resource path="/books">
         <!-- Books.getAll -->
         <method name="GET">
             <response><representation id="books"/></response>
         <!-- Books.addBook -->
         <method name="POST">
             <request><representation id="book"/></request>

      <!-- Books.getBook -->
      <resource path="/books/{id}">
         <param name="id" style="template"/>
         <method name="GET">
             <param name="name" style="query"/>
             <response><representation id="book"/></response>

      <!-- Books.getChapters, Chapters.get() -->
      <resource path="/books/chapters/content">
         <method name="GET">
             <param name="id" style="query"/>
             <response><representation id="chapters"/></response>


Few questions :

- Can a resource "books/{id}" be a sibling of /books resource or does it have to be embedded in it with path {id} ? I think both options are valid
- Is it correct that any unique Path combination in a given JAX-RS resource class has to be represented as an indibidual wadl <resource> instance ?
- Is the mapping for a subresource Chapters correct ? I'm presuming it can also be embedded inside "books" with path="/chapters/content"

thanks, Sergey