trailing slash

From: Reto Bachmann-Gmür <>
Date: Tue, 06 Jan 2009 10:56:37 +0100

according to section 3.7.3 a trailing slash in a Uri template is
ignored. To be able to easily use generate relative link I think it
would be better to have the implementation redirect to the location with
trailing slash if the path contains one.


public class MyApp {

public String getEntryPage() {
return "<a href='subpage1'>subpage1</a><br><a href='subpage2'>subpage2</a>";

public Response getSubPage1() {

public Response getSubPage1() {


The generated link in this application work when the entry page is
invoked with a trailing slash but not when invoked without.

Wouldn't it be nice if implementation would "canonicalize" the request
uris by sending respective redirects?
