Re: URI Contracts

From: Stephan Koops <>
Date: Tue, 10 Jun 2008 15:49:35 +0200

After reading the arguments of Bill: What is the need to place the
annotations on the implemented interfaces or superclasses, and not on
the implementing class? Could we remove the look on interfaces / super

best regards

Bill Burke schrieb:
> We developed a client-side proxy framework using JAX-RS annotations
> with JBoss's RESTEasy JAX-RS implementation. A few
> users have found it useful.
> One thing to note is that an interface can't always be shared by the
> client and the server:
> * Optional parameters and DefaultValues throw a wrench in things for a
> client interface
> * The server may be doing complex content negotiation and need a
> Request injection.
> * The client-proxy interface needs to define explicitly what mime type
> it is sending so @ConcumeMime really can only take one parameter.
> Yeah, you could programmatically do this, but it sort of defeats the
> purpose of defining an interface.
> * The server may be returning a typed POJO that can be marshalled.
> The client might want an org.w3c.Document object instead.
> * Response objects may not translate well as a Client interface. The
> client might want a typed object, while the server's API might return
> a response and vice versa. We also had to provide our own
> ClientResponse interface because Response has no type information
> associated with it and the proxy framework would have no idea on how
> to unmarshal the request into a desired entity.
> Alexander Horn wrote:
>> I think you're onto something regarding not using language-specific
>> means to describe HTTP/1.1 contracts, for instance. But it could take
>> a different form than one might expect. For instance, the
>> language-neutral form of URIs could be generated based of a Java
>> class. Specifically, "CoolResourceURI" provides type-strong guarantees
>> to the REST service development team but it can be equally used to
>> express the URI contract in a language-neutral form. So the
>> development of a REST service could leverage the Java API but REST
>> clients are not restrained by this implementation detail. Effectively,
>> the Java API in form of annotations acts as a DSL.
>> Alex
>> On Mon, Jun 9, 2008 at 9:34 PM, Marc Hadley <> wrote:
>>> We have discussed "contracts" in the past, mostly in relation to a
>>> client
>>> API but there was disagreement about whether a Java-based contract
>>> for a
>>> HTTP service was good idea or not. There's a good case to be made
>>> that the
>>> contract should be explicit (and dynamic) in the representations of the
>>> resources themselves (hypertext as the engine of state) rather than
>>> being a
>>> separate artifact in the form of some kind of IDL shared between
>>> client and
>>> server.
>>> Marc.
>>> On Jun 9, 2008, at 6:21 AM, Alexander Horn wrote:
>>>> Is it desirable to create API in order to express URI contracts as
>>>> first-class citizens?
>>>> The goal is to encapsulate the routing details from the actual
>>>> operations that need
>>>> to be performed for the GET, PUT, DELETE etc. functionality.
>>>> I am not sure if this has been discussed before so I think a short
>>>> example
>>>> might
>>>> help to illustrate what I mean.
>>>> Assume the architecture is following a DRY principle with the goal of
>>>> separating the REST application into three distinct units: "Common",
>>>> "Server", and "Client". Only "Common" should need to know about the
>>>> internal URI contract requirements. I follow the conviction that an
>>>> API-proposal needs to fit on one piece of page. So let me contrast
>>>> JAX-RS' current design with a different approach by given a
>>>> code-snippet example. I hope with this post I can get constructive
>>>> feedback if this is a desirable design alternative from the one put
>>>> forth in JAX-RS.
>>>> Code Snippets:
>>>> == Contract/Commons ==
>>>> /**
>>>> * Define a URI contract that has the template {path}/{urn}.
>>>> * Example URL: "http://localhost:80/a/path/to/urn:some:document"
>>>> */
>>>> @UriPattern("{path}/{urn}")
>>>> CoolResourceURI implements ResourceURI {
>>>> @Variable("path")
>>>> private final String path;
>>>> @Variable("urn", "urn:\\.*")
>>>> private final URI urn;
>>>> getPath() {
>>>> return path;
>>>> }
>>>> getURN() {
>>>> return urn;
>>>> }
>>>> ...
>>>> }
>>>> == Server-Side ==
>>>> /**
>>>> * Attach {_at_code CoolResource} servlet to the {_at_code CoolResourceURI}
>>>> contract.
>>>> */
>>>> @UriContract(CoolResourceURI.class)
>>>> class CoolResource {
>>>> /**
>>>> * Handle {_at_code GET} HTTP/1.1 request for resources that map to
>>>> {path}/{urn}
>>>> */
>>>> get(CoolResourceURI uri) {
>>>> // do something with the URI components
>>>> // Ex: "/some/path/urn:cool:cow"
>>>> // --> path="/some/path", urn="urn:cool:cow"
>>>> ...(uri.getPath(), uri.getURN());
>>>> }
>>>> ...
>>>> }
>>>> == Client-Side ==
>>>> /*
>>>> * Send {_at_code GET} HTTP/1.1 request for an URI whose lexical
>>>> representation matches the template {path}/{urn}
>>>> */
>>>> ... = getRestController().get(new CoolResourceURI("/some/path",
>>>> "urn:cool:cow"));
>>>> Notice how this different design strategy would strengthen the
>>>> weakly-typed solution that we currently see in the JSR draft. I tried
>>>> to demonstrate an improvement to the API by showing three REST
>>>> components that use ResourceURIs (see "CoolResourceURI" as an example)
>>>> as a means to encapsulate the URI contract to which the REST service
>>>> must adhere.
>>>> Also note how the "CoolResource#get(CoolResourceURI)" method is a
>>>> type-strong and an succinct way of saying that only GET HTTP/1.1
>>>> requests for a specific URI contract should be fulfilled by the
>>>> server.
>>>> It also acts as a type-strong abstraction layer for each
>>>> template variable assignment (i.e. {path}, {urn}).
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Alex Horn
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>>> Marc Hadley <marc.hadley at>
>>> CTO Office, Sun Microsystems.
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