throw WebAppExc in matchring request algorithm

From: Stephan Koops <>
Date: Mon, 21 Apr 2008 17:01:15 +0200


do we want to allow an JAX-RS runtime environment to throw subclasses of
WebApplicationException in the algorithm for Matching Requests to
Resource Methods and other places, where a WebApplicationException must
be thrown? So the default ExceptionHandler for the
WebApplicationException can do special handling for special return
codes, e.g. generate a list of available variants for status 406.
But it should be forbidden to create ExceptionHandler for the special
exception sub classes; if an implementation do so, an application
developer could not override this behaviour, because the sub class
exception is catched by it's own ExceptionHandler. The ExceptionHandler
for the WebApplicationException must handle it all by instanceof checks.

best regards