Attached is a HTML table that outlines what I see as the possible
values of var depending on type T in:
@Path(value="{var}" limited=false)
public class SomeResource {
public SomeType get(@PathParam("var") T var) {...}
for a request
GET /1/2/3.
As pointed out earlier in the thread, options (a) and (d) don't really
work for PathSegment since that is designed to represent a single path
segment rather than multiple. IMO, option (c) gives a surprising
result for String which really only leaves option (b) as viable.
Option (b) is a bit odd since the results are quite different
depending on the type T but its already the case that PathSegment is
special (it extracts the whole path segment even if the referenced
template variable has adjacent literal characters) so I think I can
live with that.
Thoughts ?
Marc Hadley <marc.hadley at>
CTO Office, Sun Microsystems.