matrix parameters

From: Stephan Koops <>
Date: Wed, 04 Jun 2008 14:46:10 +0200


are matrix parameters allowed on every path segment or only on the last
path segment? (referenced
in the javadocs) und RFC 1808 (without the name matrix parameters)
defines matrix parameters only at the end of the path and before the
query. I think it is good, that JAX-RS supports them on every path
segment, because it could semanticly useful.
Although a clarification is useful.

best regards

Bill Burke schrieb:
> I just want to add that option (b) is the only option I think because
> PathSegment should never have more than one uri segment value because
> of matrix parameters. Currently a PathSegment is the only way of
> obtaining re-occuring matrix parameters, a PathSegment with multiple
> uri segments as its value breaks this.