- 10 grizzly jars in nucleus
- [arch] add a new asadmin redeploy option or reuse existing one for the new EJB feature?
- [COMPLETED] ] Planned GlassFish Hudson (gf-hudson) downtime: 9/3-9/4
- [REMINDER] Planned GlassFish Hudson (gf-hudson) downtime: 9/3-9/4
- action: become cluster aware (please read)
- AppServerMBeanServerBuilder not found
- asadmin question
- bean validation status
- Blocking problem: BindException: No free port within range: 9091
- blocking: export-sync-bundle help
- BLOCKING: NPE in GrizzlyService.java
- can't start cluster after upgrade
- can't start cluster after upgrade)
- can't start web container, maybe
- CCC Request: end support for lookup name "UserTransaction"
- CLI commands - which package / module?
- code review request: admin/config-api, issue 13462
- dealing with an already-locked config bean
- derby startup when domain is started
- Download root for bootstrapping?
- Error deploying enterprise application in Glassfish 3.1 build 20
- Exception class names in error messages
- extra slow builds?
- failures in admin dev tests
- FindBugs errors
- Fwd: pom.xml change review
- FYI (please review): Metro WS-TX system services application integrated into GF
- GlassFish 3.1 Engineering Meeting
- GlassFish Hudson server down 11:00-11:30am.
- GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 3.1: Milestone 5 tonight
- Glassfish v3.1 logging at server shutdown
- GlassFishActivator no longer starting shell bundles
- HELP: Need to add entry into default domain.xml (under <system-applications>)
- IMPORTANT - default 3.1 installation directory renaming coming next week
- instance started time?
- java.io.IOException: Stream closed
- javax.annotation.jar
- known bug?
- Maven-built deployment plans confuse DeploymentPlanArchive and break asadmin deploy --deploymentplan.
- Metro 2.1-b13 has been integrated into GF
- Metro 2.1-b14 has been integrated into GF
- mini FLAG DAY (--long vs. --verbose)
- mysterious ports
- mysterious ports (solved)
- No GlassFish engineering meeting this week
- NPE during upgrade in logging code
- NPE in server.log during QL
- odd server output from admin console
- Oracle coding conventions in Mojarra and/or GlassFish
- Placeholder for instanceRoot in asadmin
- Planned GlassFish Hudson (gf-hudson) downtime: 9/3-9/4
- please review: Metro 2.1-b12 integration changes for GlassFish 3.1
- pom review -- shoal update
- pom review request (shoal integration)
- pom.xml and osgi.bundle review request
- pom.xml review request: integrate JSF 2.1.0-b04
- Problems with glassfish build
- proper download url for GF V3.1 builds?
- Query on upgrade
- restarting instances when the DAS is restarted
- review request (jersey jars in v2 clobbering v3)
- RTFErrorMessage (a logging question)
- SocketException when pinging db from Glassfish...
- Solved: Blocking problem: BindException: No free port within range: 9091
- SSH2 dependency added to logging
- start-cluster vs start-local-instance
- Startup time regression
- status of 'verifier'
- System.out/err blocked from server.log?
- top level pom.xml changes for new shoal integration
- top level pom.xml changes for shoal integration
- tweak to full build instructions
- where do logstrings go for AdminCommandContext logger
- Last message date: Mon Sep 13 02:12:42 2010
- Archived on: Thu Aug 10 14:57:26 2017 PDT