dealing with an already-locked config bean

From: Bobby Bissett <>
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 2010 15:32:50 -0400

Hi all (or Jerome),

I have (or have adopted) this method that adds a child element to a Config object if it isn't present during an upgrade:

    private NetworkConfig getNetworkConfig(Config baseConfig) throws TransactionFailure {
        NetworkConfig config = baseConfig.getNetworkConfig();
        if (config == null) {
            config = (NetworkConfig) ConfigSupport.apply(new SingleConfigCode<Config>() {
                public Object run(Config param) throws PropertyVetoException, TransactionFailure {
                    final NetworkConfig child = param.createChild(NetworkConfig.class);
                    return child;
            }, baseConfig);
        return config;

In one case I want to access this within another method that is also locking on the config object. Something like (pseudo code):

            ConfigSupport.apply(new SingleConfigCode<Config>() {
                public Object run(Config param) throws TransactionFailure {
                    // other code
                    NetworkConfig nc = getNetworkConfig(param);
                    // other code
                    return null;
            }, config);

But of course the config bean is already locked and the apply() call fails with: "Config bean already locked"

Can someone tell me how I'm supposed to handle this? In the case of the pseudo code above I can just not call the getNetworkConfig method, but then I'm repeating myself. In the getNetworkConfig method I tried checking the Config object for a transaction, and if not null, enrolling the child object:

            Transaction tx = Transaction.getTransaction(baseConfig);
            if (tx != null) {
                // have tried both of the following lines separately
                config = tx.enroll(baseConfig.createChild(NetworkConfig.class));
                config = baseConfig.createChild(NetworkConfig.class);
                return config;

But when I try this I run into a "NetworkConfig object already locked" issue. So I'm open to suggestions on what I should do here. If I can go the simple route and just avoid doing anything hk2-y during the original tx, I'll go with that.
