Re: SSH2 dependency added to logging

From: Tom Mueller <>
Date: Fri, 03 Sep 2010 08:52:02 -0500

Hopefully we aren't going to be printing a NoClassDefFoundError message
in the final product, right?

The exception should be caught and a message saying that the necessary
software isn't installed, or something like that.

On 9/3/2010 12:50 AM, Naman Mehta wrote:
> hi sahoo,
> I removed all cluster jars from my setup and it's working fine for me.
> naman_at_naman:/space/gfv3/v3setup/glassfishv3/glassfish/bin$ ./asadmin
> start-domain
> Waiting for the server to start ........
> Successfully started the domain : domain1
> domain location:
> /space/gfv3/v3setup/glassfishv3/glassfish/domains/domain1
> Log File:
> /space/gfv3/v3setup/glassfishv3/glassfish/domains/domain1/logs/server.log
> Admin Port: 4848
> Command start-domain executed successfully.
> naman_at_naman:/space/gfv3/v3setup/glassfishv3/glassfish/bin$ ./asadmin
> collect-log-files --target c1 --outputfilepath /space/output
> remote failure: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
> org/glassfish/cluster/ssh/launcher/SSHLauncher
> org/glassfish/cluster/ssh/launcher/SSHLauncher
> Command collect-log-files failed.
> naman_at_naman:/space/gfv3/v3setup/glassfishv3/glassfish/bin$ ./asadmin
> collect-log-files --target server --outputfilepath /space/output
> Command collect-log-files executed successfully.
> naman_at_naman:/space/gfv3/v3setup/glassfishv3/glassfish/bin$ ./asadmin
> collect-log-files --target in4 --outputfilepath /space/output
> Command collect-log-files executed successfully.
> naman_at_naman:/space/gfv3/v3setup/glassfishv3/glassfish/bin$ ./asadmin
> collect-log-files --target in5 --outputfilepath /space/output
> remote failure: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
> org/glassfish/cluster/ssh/launcher/SSHLauncher
> org/glassfish/cluster/ssh/launcher/SSHLauncher
> Command collect-log-files failed.
> Here, in4 and server are on DAS machine. in5 and c1 are on remote
> machine which is failing.
> Regards,
> Naman
> On Friday 03 September 2010 09:34 AM, Sanjeeb Sahoo wrote:
>> On Friday 03 September 2010 01:49 AM, Jerome Dochez wrote:
>>> On Sep 2, 2010, at 2:08 AM, Naman Mehta wrote:
>>>> hi jerome, sahoo,
>>>> The collect-log-file command is apllicable to server/standalone
>>>> instance/cluster. So do I need to move the same?
>>>> Right now, contains all ssh related code.
>>>> And and uses
>>>> LogFilterForInstance methods ("new LogFilterForInstance().<method
>>>> name>").
>>>> And my osgi.bundle file contains following entry:
>>>> -exportcontents:
>>>> com.sun.enterprise.server.logging.logviewer.backend,
>>>> com.sun.enterprise.server.logging.diagnostics,
>>>> com.sun.enterprise.server.logging
>>>> Import-Package: \
>>>> org.glassfish.cluster.*;resolution:=optional, \
>>>> *
>>> so does the code function properly (meaning the log file is
>>> returned) even when org.glassfish.cluster package is not resolved ?
>> No, it does not. I just tried it out by removing cluster-admin.jar
>> from modules and this is how the command behaves:
>> ss141213_at_Sahoo:/space/ss141213/WS/hk2/trunk$ asadmin collect-log-files
>> Enter the value for the outputfilepath option> /tmp/bar
>> remote failure: Failed to start Bundle Id [6] State
>> [INSTALLED] [org.glassfish.cluster.admin(Cluster
>> Admin):3.1.0.SNAPSHOT]
>> I don't understand why this command has to use ssh to get the log
>> file for DAS. Naman, can you explain?
>> More over, I see logging always depends on com.trilead.ssh2 which
>> comes from trilead-ssh2-repackaged.jar.
>> Sahoo
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