Re: mysterious ports

From: Joseph Fialli <>
Date: Fri, 10 Sep 2010 11:17:32 -0400

On 9/10/10 10:53 AM, Tom Mueller wrote:
> I've been looking at the ports that cluster members listen on, and I'm
> seeing some mysterious ports. Can someone please identify what these
> ports are being used for? Also, how are the port numbers allocated?
> Here are the ports used by a typical instance, running without GMS
> enabled and with JMS in embedded mode:
> TCP *:27777 (LISTEN) < ?????
> TCP *:16426 (LISTEN) < ?????
> TCP *:52978 (LISTEN) < ?????
> TCP *:32874 (LISTEN) < ?????
> TCP *:4910 (LISTEN) < ?????
> The concern that I have with these ports is that they appear to be
> dynamically allocated, because they change each time the instance is
> run and for different instances, but except for one, they are
> allocated from the outside the region for allocating dynamic ports
> (which is 49152 to 65535). And if the port number chosen happens to be
> the one that another instance on the same system is going to use, then
> that instance will fail to start because it can't bind to it's port.
> I also curious as to what determines the address that these sockets
> are bound too, for the multihomed server use case.
Figured I would provide info on GMS on this.

For multihome case, it is OS specific and non-deterministic which
address that GMS uses. We get the list of network interfaces
using This list is
not sorted and thus non-deterministic from OS to OS.
We select the first one in the list that meets our usage criteria:
not lookback and supports multicast. Then we select the first address
based on whether the preference is ipv4 or ipv6 address.
The code for this is in It is part of

GMS has a cluster element gms-bind-interface-address attribute so the
user can specify which network interface on a multihome machine
the user would prefer GMS to use. This funtionality was added in
Glassfish v2.1 so GMS could be assigned to a private network interface
so its multicast broadcast would stay internal only.


> Thanks.
> Tom