- [1-RuntimeAPI] Proposal
- [17-Customizing names]
- [2-DefaultMapping] Proposal
- [30-GenericTypeSupport] Proposal
- [31-Customize error handling]
- [33-I-JSON Compatibility] Proposal
- [jsonb-spec users] [30-GenericTypeSupport] Proposal
- [jsonb-spec users] [33-I-JSON Compatibility] Proposal
- [jsonb-spec users] [Specification] Comments
- [jsonb-spec users] adapters API: too cpmplex?
- [jsonb-spec users] Figure 2 - Example Type resolution
- [jsonb-spec users] Java polymorphism support
- [jsonb-spec users] jsr367 vs jep198
- [jsonb-spec users] Public Review
- [jsonb-spec users] simple value supported?
- [jsr367-experts] [1-RuntimeAPI] Proposal
- [jsr367-experts] [17-Customizing names]
- [jsr367-experts] [2-DefaultMapping] Proposal
- [jsr367-experts] [30-GenericTypeSupport] Proposal
- [jsr367-experts] [31-Customize error handling]
- [jsr367-experts] [33-I-JSON Compatibility] Proposal
- [jsr367-experts] [ADMIN] Proposing new Expert Group member
- [jsr367-experts] [ADMIN] Welcome to the JSON-Binding 1.0 Expert Group (EG)
- [jsr367-experts] [Specification] Comments
- [jsr367-experts] adapter: new withAdapter method?
- [jsr367-experts] adapters API: too cpmplex?
- [jsr367-experts] Appendable/Readable vs Writer/Reader
- [jsr367-experts] Early Draft
- [jsr367-experts] EG nomination
- [jsr367-experts] Figure 2 - Example Type resolution
- [jsr367-experts] Generics support on serialization
- [jsr367-experts] Github repository.
- [jsr367-experts] java 8 Optionals
- [jsr367-experts] JSON-B 1.0 Final Release
- [jsr367-experts] JSON-B 1.0 Proposed Final Draft
- [jsr367-experts] Jsonb AutoCloseable?
- [jsr367-experts] JSONB De/Serializers proposal
- [jsr367-experts] JsonbCreator parameter names
- [jsr367-experts] JsonbTransient
- [jsr367-experts] JsonProvider usage documented?
- [jsr367-experts] JSR 367 - Java API for JSON Binding - Early Draft 1 Review started (ends September 19th)
- [jsr367-experts] JSR 367 - Status & Update
- [jsr367-experts] jsr367 vs jep198
- [jsr367-experts] Migration to GitHub
- [jsr367-experts] Polymorphic deserializer
- [jsr367-experts] Polymorphism support
- [jsr367-experts] PropertyNamingStrategy with customized property names
- [jsr367-experts] Public Draft
- [jsr367-experts] remove throws from javax.json.bind.Jsonb signatures
- [jsr367-experts] Removing _at_author from API
- [jsr367-experts] serializer/deserializer on type?
- [jsr367-experts] simple value supported?
- [jsr367-experts] Spec update
- [jsr367-experts] Talk about JSR at ApacheCon Europe
- [jsr367-experts] Third party objects
- [jsr367-experts] TypeInfo for wrapping generic types
- [jsr367-experts] visibility: protected != private?
- [jsr374-experts] Talk about JSR at ApacheCon Europe
- adapter: new withAdapter method?
- Appendable/Readable vs Writer/Reader
- Early Draft
- Generics support on serialization
- Github repository.
- java 8 Optionals
- Java polymorphism support
- JSON-B 1.0 Final Release
- Jsonb AutoCloseable?
- JSONB De/Serializers proposal
- JsonbCreator parameter names
- JsonbPropertyOrder annotation behaviour
- JsonbTransient
- JSR 367 - Status & Update
- jsr367 vs jep198
- Migration to GitHub
- Polymorphic deserializer
- Polymorphism support
- PropertyNamingStrategy with customized property names
- remove throws from javax.json.bind.Jsonb signatures
- serializer/deserializer on type?
- Spec update
- Talk about JSR at ApacheCon Europe
- Third party objects
- TypeInfo for wrapping generic types
- visibility: protected != private?
- Last message date: Thu May 11 06:35:06 2017
- Archived on: Thu Aug 10 15:15:20 2017 PDT