
[jsr367-experts] Re: Third party objects

From: Inderjeet Singh <inder_at_alumni.stanford.edu>
Date: Mon, 9 Nov 2015 11:37:03 -0800

In Gson, we leave it the type adapters that you can write for the classes
from third-party library.
Works well.

On Mon, Nov 9, 2015 at 10:11 AM, Dmitry Kornilov <dmitry.kornilov_at_oracle.com
> wrote:

> Hi Experts,
> We are preparing a second draft of JSON-B spec. There are a few topics we
> still need to discuss. I'll create a thread for each topic in the next few
> weeks.
> Today lets start with third party objects.
> *Use case:*
> We have an extenal jar with classes we need to process. We cannot add any
> annotations to these classes. Default configuration doesn't process it the
> desired way.
> *Options are:*
> *1. Jackson like MixIn annotations*
> For each third party class we want to customize an internal
> class/interface has to be created. This internal class has @Jsonb
> annotations defined the way how it should be in a third party class.
> More details:
> http://wiki.fasterxml.com/JacksonMixInAnnotations
> It covers most of the use cases and simple enough. The disadvantage I see
> is that configuration cannot be changed at runtime because conversion logic
> is defined in mix-in classes.
> *2. MOXy like external metadata format*
> All customizations are defined in external json document. This document
> has predefined format. This document is processed during JsonbConfig
> creation. Something similar to this:
> JsonbConfig config = new JsonbConfig()
> .withMetadata(fileInputStream);
> More details:
> https://wiki.eclipse.org/EclipseLink/Examples/MOXy/EclipseLink-OXM.XML
> I see it more complicated than mix-ins approach. The advantage is that
> customizations can be created at runtime.
> *3. Provide customization API (runtime annotations)*
> Define an API that allows adding customizations at runtime.
> Something similar to this:
> JsonbCustomizer customizer = new JsonbCustomizer();
> customizer.addJsonbNullableOnClass("package.ClassName", true);
> customizer.addJsonbPropertyOnField("package.ClassName", "fieldName",
> "value");
> customizer.addJsonbPropertyOnMethod("package.ClassName", "methodName",
> "value");
> JsonbConfig config = new JsonbConfig()
> .withCustomizer(customizer);
> I see it simple enough. Configuration can be created at runtime.
> Implementations can use this API to process external metadata files (like
> the MOXy one above).
> *4. Leave it as it is (not really an option) *
> We already have adapters. The disadvantage is that it can be not flexible
> enough in cases where the same type has to be processed differently in one
> configuration. It also lacks runtime configuration.
> Lets discuss the options. Feel free to suggest more options.
> Thanks,
> Dmitry Kornilov