
[jsr367-experts] Re: [1-RuntimeAPI] Proposal

From: Eugen Cepoi <cepoi.eugen_at_gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 30 Jan 2015 22:34:01 +0100

Martin, here are some (opinionated :p) comments...


createContext(final Class<?> ... classes) => Does that mean that the user
will have to explicitly specify what will be the root classes being
ser/de?? If yes, it looks too restrictive and how will this integrate with
Jersey (JsonRootElement... :( )?

Missing unmarshal/marshal methods taking input/outputstream and bytes.

I am not sure that having those shortcut methods is a good idea. Using them
wouldn't take advantage of any caching thus would yield poor performances.
At least it should be explained in the javadoc (but people tend to not read


We can read at the beginning of the javadoc *"information necessary to
implement the JAXB binding framework operations:"*, I guess it is a typo?


I don't get the part about the callbacks. Are they supposed to be defined
on the object being ser. or by the impl. of the Marshaller?
What use cases do you have in mind? For deser. I would see validation or
instantiation, but here...

*"Invoked by JsonbMarshaller after it has created an instance of this
object."* I guess it is an instance of the JsonbMarshaller?


I would remove all the untyped unmarshal methods that return Object. If
people want the deser. to be fully driven by the input, they can use
unmarshal(json, Object.class). I think in most cases they would deser to a
node structure (jsonp) or map/list.

*"An unmarshal method never returns null."*, I would consider an empty
input as null rather than malformed. Some libs also allow root json values
different from object and array.

*Overall impression*

- Is sticking to JAXB design a goal of this jsr? I would prefer not... some
parts look to me over complicated for no apparent reason.

- Users that want to provide some custom ser/de for a specific type (the
usual custom Serializer) would they use a kind of Adapter like in JAXB? I
think it can be easier to use but less efficient than directly using a
streaming API in the custom code.

- I have the impression that JsonbContext/Builder, Un/Marhsaller and Jsonb
overlap and could be redesigned a bit (see below).

- I was expecting to see jsonp reader/writers instead of std java io
classes in Un/Marhsaller.

- Do we want the Un/Marshaller to be mutable (I see those setProperty

- Do you have an example of what would be the recommended single way to use
this API?

Jsonb instance could
 - use the JsonbProvider as a factory to obtain instances of
marshaller/unmarshaller configured with some typed config object or a plain
 - obtain a low level reader/writer instance from jsonp for current std
 - do some other stuff where having an spi does not provide any win
 - reuse the marshallers (or let it be the responsability of JsonbProvider)
 - then call marshaller.marshal(object, jsonpWriter)

// or just new Jsonb() with default config
Jsonb jsonb = new Jsonb.Builder()
  .setClasses(Book.class, Author.class, Language.class)
  .setProperty(JsonbMarshaller.JSON_BIND_FORMATTED_OUTPUT, true)
  .use(SomeJsonbProvider()) // optional - by default would load one using
  .use(JsonpProvider()) // used to obtain jsonp read/write instances

// also accepting jsonp reader/writer

Unmarshall/Marshall could take only jsonp reader/writer and no std java
reader/writer. It is discutable, but if the goal is to provide databinding
over the already existing "std parsing API" then it should be the way to go

People are getting used with APIs that provide a single entry point + a
builder to configure it and the underlying components.
Providing multiple ways to use this API could be error prone (In the
javadoc and examples I see 3 ways to achieve near the same thing).

Maybe I am missing the point and you already have in mind use cases that
could take advantage of the current design?


2015-01-30 19:52 GMT+01:00 Eugen Cepoi <cepoi.eugen_at_gmail.com>:

> Hey Martin,
> Do you expect us to post our comments only on the ML or perhaps is there a
> way to comment directly the code "à la github" on java.net?
> BTW I see ssh/user_name in your URL, are we supposed to have a write
> access to the repo and can maybe contribute some code?
> Eugen
> 2015-01-30 18:02 GMT+01:00 Martin Grebac <martin.grebac_at_oracle.com>:
>> Hi experts,
>> welcome again. We're well ahead in 2015, and ready to run full speed on
>> the JSON Binding API. As you may have already noticed, I've put together an
>> initial list of individual API/spec [1] items which should lead us to our
>> first quickly approaching milestone - Early Draft. I expect this to be a
>> fairly live list, updated regularly based on progress and status.
>> As a first step, I'd like to submit for review proposal for runtime api.
>> One thing to state first, this initial step does not contain 2 obvious
>> items: full generic types and JSON-P support. I'll open these in coming
>> subsequent proposals as I believe they warrant separate discussion.
>> To review, please checkout the remote branch:
>> git clone ssh://<user_name>@git.java.net/jsonb-spec~git jsonb
>> cd jsonb
>> git checkout runtime_api_init
>> Folder description:
>> api - api code
>> examples - code examples, not expected to run
>> spec - spec document source code in tex, spec/spec.pdf is current
>> snapshot of the document
>> Build with Maven (3.2, JDK8), built API javadoc is located in
>> api/target/apidocs folder.
>> Looking forward to your feedback - please send your comments by Friday
>> next week (Feb06).
>> Thank you,
>> MartiNG
>> [1] https://java.net/jira/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=27&
>> view=planning.nodetail&versions=visible