> I also think that passing jsonp parser/generator as an argument is OK. The question here is that we are forcing implementations to use parser/generator. What if (as Romain mentioned somewhere in this thread) some implementations will use reader/writer as a parsing mechanism? Shall we consider this option? Folks, I need you opinion here.
> JsonReader/writer just deal with the full dom structures, to get a dom structure one could simply do ctx.deserialize(JsonObject.class, stream).
> So I think it is just fine and is the right thing to do: use the low level jsonp api.
> But there is another use case. What if we have a list inside an object we are serializing.
> public class Create {
> public List items;
> }
> For some reason we don’t want to serialize items list using context.serialize(“items”, crate.items, generator).
> We want to serialize each item manually in a cycle.
> generator.writeStartArray();
> for (Object item in crate.items) {
> // Ooops! We don’t have a method to write an object without a key in SerializationContext
> // It should be something like this
> context.serialize(item, generator); // This is a new method to add I was talking about
> }
> generator.writeEnd();
> Not sure if I followed everything (I have been busy with other things lately), but IMO the context should not provide different methods for arrays, objects etc. Only one that takes an object, a generator and eventually a type (if we want to allow a user to say serialize object of type B but using his super type A). One could pass to it arrays, lists, pojos, primitives, whatever he wants and it will get serialized/deser using the registered serializers for that type.
> I hope I am not adding more confusion here…if you want some code examples let me know.
Yes, I think we have some misunderstanding here. Below I copied our latest version of SerializationContext interface to make it clear. As you see there are no methods for arrays, lists, etc. The method I was talking about above is marked bold.
public interface SerializationContext {
* Serializes arbitrary object to JSON, using current {_at_link javax.json.stream.JsonGenerator} instance.
* @param key JSON key name
* @param object object to serialize
* @param generator JSONP generator to serialize with
* @param <T> Type of serialized object
<T> void serialize(String key, T object, JsonGenerator generator);
* Serializes arbitrary object to JSON, using current {_at_link javax.json.stream.JsonGenerator} instance.
* @param object object to serialize
* @param generator JSONP generator to serialize with
* @param <T> Type of serialized object
<T> void serialize(T object, JsonGenerator generator);
* Converts string value into provided type. String value has to be single JSON value, not a part
* of a JSON document representing JSON object.
* @param obj object to convert to string
* @param generator JSONP generator to serialize with
* @param <T> type of object
* @return converted string value
* @throws javax.json.bind.JsonbException if conversion of given type is not supported
<T> String convertDefault(T obj, JsonGenerator generator);