I'd ignore explicit property and just use the strategy in default case.
Le 30 janv. 2016 18:04, "Roman Grigoriadi" <roman.grigoriadi_at_oracle.com> a
écrit :
> Hi experts!
> My name is Roman, I am currently working on JSONB RI.
> I need clarification about PropertyNamingStragegy. Should property naming
> strategy "override" property names explicitly set by @JsonbProperty
> annotation?
> For example, when marshalling class:
> class Pojo {
> @JsonbProperty("updatedName")
> String propertyWithSomeName;
> }
> should a resulting json key name for a property, with a
> PropertyNamingStrategy.LOWER_CASE_WITH_UNDERSCORES set globally, be
> "updatedName" or "updated_name"?
> Thank you,
> Roman