
[jsr367-experts] Spec update

From: <dmitry.kornilov_at_oracle.com>
Date: Fri, 29 Jan 2016 17:29:02 +0000 (UTC)


I just pushed a spec update. Please review it and make your comments.

Change list:

1. Changed enum processing. Method name() is used for serialization
instead of toSting().

2. Changed serialization rules of object properties with Optional type
and null value.

"Empty optional instances serialized as object instance properties are
ignored during serialization."

Changed to:
"Empty optional instances serialized as object instance properties are
treated as null."

The main purpose of this change is to make Optional fields processing
consistent with Optional array elements and properly behaviour in case
of @JsonbNillable(value=false).

Roman Grigoriadi is preparing a detailed description of this topic at
the moment with samples etc. It will be posted in a few days for

3. @JsonbTransient annotation made allowed only on fields.

This text is removed:
"When placed on a class, indicates that the class shouldn't be mapped
to JSON by itself. Properties on such class will be mapped to JSON
along with its derived classes, as if the class is inlined."

4. Removed 'smallest possible type' rule for number types. JSON number
type is always mapped to BigDecimal in case target type is not
specified. This is done to make numbers serialization and
deserialization consistent. We always serialize java.lang.Number by
converting it to BigDecimal first and we always deserializing JSON
number type to BigDecimal if target type java.lang.Number or Object.

5. @JsonbValue annotation is removed. Adapters should be used instead.

Dmitry Kornilov