- "Missing start boundary" when calling for Jersey client API
- "Real" HATEOAS support for JAX-RS
- -> rest-discuss
- 404 error code with RESTful web service and and java application
- [Jersey] "Missing start boundary" when calling for Jersey client API
- [Jersey] "Real" HATEOAS support for JAX-RS
- [Jersey] 404 error code with RESTful web service and and java application
- [Jersey] _at_ServletSecurity and Application classes?
- [Jersey] Access to client side MessageBodyReader
- [Jersey] adding root resource to grizzly
- [Jersey] Can _at_QueryParam be used in resource constructor along with Guice injection?
- [Jersey] can we get a UriBuilder.addOrReplaceSegment method?
- [Jersey] can we get a UriBuilder.addOrReplaceSegment method? Tuesday, February 2, 2010 11:51 PM
- [Jersey] can we get a UriBuilder.addOrReplaceSegment method? Tuesday, February 2, 2010 11:51 PM Monday, February 8, 2010 3:17 AM
- [Jersey] common handling of path param
- [Jersey] Customize default error responses
- [Jersey] Error: HTTP method DELETE doesn't support output
- [Jersey] Exception during execution of POST query
- [Jersey] exception handling best practices
- [Jersey] Explicit registration of Jersey servlet ?
- [Jersey] For Paul, regarding jsp:include
- [Jersey] form to pojo
- [Jersey] Glassfish, Jersey and JSON
- [Jersey] Goals for hypertext constraint support
- [Jersey] how do you define REST
- [Jersey] How to Get Remote IP address in JAX/RS with Grizzly
- [Jersey] how to know variable metadata for resource modification
- [Jersey] How to pass associative data to a resource?
- [Jersey] howto RESTfully relate resources?
- [Jersey] Hypermedia clarification
- [Jersey] Hypermedia Support is useless
- [Jersey] IllegalArgumentException during XML unmarshalling
- [Jersey] injecting UriInfo in constructor
- [Jersey] Issues with encoding semicolons in matrix parameters
- [Jersey] jersey and java web start
- [Jersey] Jersey and url-pattern.
- [Jersey] Jersey design documentation
- [Jersey] Jersey in the server side of GWT
- [Jersey] jersey test framework modularity
- [Jersey] Jersey Test Framework update
- [Jersey] Jersey Testframework
- [Jersey] Jersey with Workflow Tool
- [Jersey] Jersey's (experimental) approach to support hypermedia constraint
- [Jersey] Jersey-Spring and correct annotation
- [Jersey] Jersey-Spring, _at_Context and InitializingBean
- [Jersey] Jesey Oauth client and “%20” spaces
- [Jersey] JSON in Jersey
- [Jersey] JSONP
- [Jersey] LoggingFilter
- [Jersey] Media type extensions not working with PathParams
- [Jersey] MessageBodyWriter
- [Jersey] Need UriService object in XmlAdapter classes
- [Jersey] OAuth integration with Jersey.. anyone using it
- [Jersey] Optional PathParam is it possible?
- [Jersey] Passing a String with slashes, hyphens using _at_Path, @PathParameter/@QueryParameter
- [Jersey] POST method on subresource
- [Jersey] Provider not getting detected properly
- [Jersey] Rate Limiting RESTful Web Services
- [Jersey] RESTful WS: How to return something different than String?
- [Jersey] Root resource class question
- [Jersey] SAX Feature error in Jersey
- [Jersey] serving static content from a resource
- [Jersey] Session Handling not working with Jersey Client
- [Jersey] SOLVED: Jersey-Spring, _at_Context and InitializingBean
- [Jersey] Support for declarative linking (server-side) [Was: Jersey's (experimental) approach to support hypermedia constraint]
- [Jersey] Trailing slash redirect
- [Jersey] using jaxb to stream a large data set
- [Jersey] Using jersey as a REST client in an ant taskdef? Failing horribly...
- [Jersey] ViewProcessor - how to set the response content-type
- [Jersey] Websphere 6.1 integration
- [Jersey] What HATEOAS actually means
- [Jersey] What HATEOAS actually means)
- [Jersey] What HATEOAS actually means))
- [Jersey] WL 10.3/Jersey 1.1.5 issue
- _at_ServletSecurity and Application classes?
- Access to client side MessageBodyReader
- adding root resource to grizzly
- can we get a UriBuilder.addOrReplaceSegment method?
- common handling of path param
- context resolver with package names ?
- Custom MessageBodyWriter for application/xml with _at_XmlRootElement can't be overridden properly?
- Error: HTTP method DELETE doesn't support output
- Exception during execution of POST query
- exception handling best practices
- Explicit registration of Jersey servlet ?
- For Paul, regarding jsp:include
- form to pojo
- Glassfish _at_ Oracle
- Glassfish, Jersey and JSON
- Goals for hypertext constraint support
- HATEOAS, More Comments
- how do you define REST
- How to Get Remote IP address in JAX/RS with Grizzly
- how to know variable metadata for resource modification
- howto RESTfully relate resources?
- Hypermedia clarification
- Hypermedia Support is useless
- injecting UriInfo in constructor
- Issue 465
- jersey and java web start
- Jersey and url-pattern.
- Jersey design documentation
- Jersey in the server side of GWT
- jersey test framework modularity
- Jersey Test Framework update
- Jersey Testframework
- Jersey with Workflow Tool
- Jersey's (experimental) approach to support hypermedia constraint
- Jersey-Spring and correct annotation
- Jersey-Spring, _at_Context and InitializingBean
- JSON in Jersey
- Link header IETF process history
- LoggingFilter
- MessageBodyWriter
- Moved thread to rest-discuss / HATEOAS-via-HTTP: Which HTTP Method to use to follow link?
- my slides from Jfokus 2010
- Need UriService object in XmlAdapter classes
- OAuth integration with Jersey.. anyone using it
- Passing a String with slashes, hyphens using _at_Path, @PathParameter/@QueryParameter
- POST method on subresource
- problem running Jersey webapp to Tomcat 6.0.20
- Provider not getting detected properly
- RESTful WS: How to return something different than String?
- Root Unwrapping configuration for JSON representation in Jersey 1.1.5
- SAX Feature error in Jersey
- serving static content from a resource
- Session Handling not working with Jersey Client
- Set specific encoding in Jersey server
- simplest unit test bootstrapping
- Taking this week off: 22nd to 26th
- tomcat, classloaders and _at_Providers problem
- Trailing slash redirect
- Tuckey urlrewritefilter and
- Unit Testing JaxB bean
- Using Annotations, how to set up filters for auth, version check, etc
- using jaxb to stream a large data set
- Using jersey as a REST client in an ant taskdef? Failing horribly...
- ViewProcessor - how to set the response content-type
- What HATEOAS actually means
- WL 10.3/Jersey 1.1.5 issue