Re: [Jersey] Jersey's (experimental) approach to support hypermedia constraint

From: Jan Algermissen <>
Date: Wed, 10 Feb 2010 12:00:12 +0100

[follow up]

I think there are different issues that need to be discussed separately:

1) What is the best way for a framework to support the
   server side developer in the task of adding links to
   the served representations?
   In my experience it is often hard to separate the
   creation of a domain object's representation from
   the addition of links in order to adhere to good
   programming practice. Usually I eventually have
   to copy/paste some code (which I hate).

   In part this is a result from links being part
   of the representations and sometimes also
   being placed in headers.

   Framework support tp ease thsese issues would be
   a good thing. But it would be purely server-side.

2) What is the proper way to design media types and
   I really (strongly) think that a framework should
   either know exactly what it is doing or be silent
   about this matter altogether.
   Since the whole issue of machine2machine media types
   is still not thoroughly analysed (IMHO) it is very
   dangerous to promote a certain approch (re 'action
   This is what caused my worries yesterday. Especially
   since I think that the proposed approach misses the
   point comletely.

3) What is the proper way to implement a RESTful client?
   This is in my opinion also not yet solved at all and
   most approaches just introduce coupling between client
   and server that REST aims to avoid.
   As with 2) a framework should know exactly what it is
   doing in order not to foster the proliferation of
   unRESTful REST systems.
   I am very concerned about this because I consider REST
   done wrong to be worse then RPC done right. Mostly so
   because unRESTful REST tends to introduce coupling that
   is completely undocumented while with RPC we at least
   have IDL class definitions. (Yes, I know this from
   personal wrong doing (shame on me) :-)

   Putting something like in the client code
   violates RESTs hypermedia constraint because it hard
   codes an assumption that REST does not support. In REST
   there is no way to know at design time whether there
   will be a 'pay' traversal froom the 'order'-state at all.
   The right way to code the client here is to follow the pay
   traversal *if* the steady state reached after a GET on
   the order resource provides the necessary transition.
   If it doesn't, the client must still handle the situation
   (probably by trying something else, probably by logging
   an error for human reaction).
   Hiding this issue wil lead client side developers to
   wrong assumptions about the nature of the architecture.

   Too many people are doing this already and I think Jersey/
   JSR 311 should work against that trend instead of making
   it worse.

Having said all that - naturaly I have my own understanding
how it should work and I am happy to add this to the debate.
(Will be about one or two weeks before I can post that)


On Feb 10, 2010, at 11:33 AM, Jan Algermissen wrote:

> All,
> there has been some discussion yesterday on Twitter regarding [1] and Paul suggested to take this over to the list.
> As a start, here is the link to my initial criticism[2].
> I am working on a more detailed one today.

> Jan
> [1]
> [2]
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> Jan Algermissen, Consultant
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 Jan Algermissen, Consultant
 NORD Software Consulting
