Re: [Jersey] exception handling best practices

From: Felipe Gaucho <>
Date: Mon, 22 Feb 2010 18:09:06 +0100

Keep with the http codes and perhaps a human readable message....

Java stack trace has no meaning for non-Java clients...

On 22.02.2010, at 17:54, Florian Hehlen <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am wondering if there is a recommended way to map exceptions with
> jax-rs/jersey. I have been playing around with all the different
> exceptions that extend WebApplicationException, I have in some cases
> just pushed runtime exceptions back to the framework, and I have
> also considered using the ExceptionMapper interface. I realize that
> I could extend WebApplicationException to create my own exceptions
> aswell, but is that wise?
> - I would like to have the most consistent relationship between
> application exceptions/errors and HTTP codes.
> - I would also like to guarantee that a human readable message and a
> stacktrace travel with all my errors back to the client. Yet it
> seems that this happens with certain types of exceptions but not
> with others.
> -I would also like to spend the least amount of time/energy on
> maintaining all these different possible states.
> Is there one approach that's better than others? I can't at first
> glance see one. Am I missing something? Does anyone have any
> recommendations experiences?
> Cheers,
> Florian
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