On Feb 9, 2010, at 6:54 PM, Felipe Gaścho wrote:
> can you use Stax? http://jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=173
Yes, but you still need to marshall out the JAXB stuff unless you want
to write a lot of low-level StAX code.
The Jersey writing of collections does not bother using StAX and
instead writes fragments directly to the output stream:
public final void writeTo(
Object t,
Class<?> type,
Type genericType,
Annotation annotations[],
MediaType mediaType,
MultivaluedMap<String, Object> httpHeaders,
OutputStream entityStream) throws IOException {
try {
final Collection c = (type.isArray())
? Arrays.asList((Object[])t)
: (Collection)t;
final Class elementType = (type.isArray())
? type.getComponentType()
: getElementClass(type, genericType);
final Charset charset = getCharset(mediaType);
final String charsetName = charset.name();
final Marshaller m = getMarshaller(elementType, mediaType);
m.setProperty(Marshaller.JAXB_FRAGMENT, true);
if (c != UTF8)
m.setProperty(Marshaller.JAXB_ENCODING, charsetName);
writeList(elementType, c, mediaType, charset, m,
} catch (JAXBException ex) {
throw new WebApplicationException(ex, 500);
public final void writeList(Class<?> elementType, Collection<?> t,
MediaType mediaType, Charset c,
Marshaller m, OutputStream entityStream)
throws JAXBException, IOException {
final String rootElement = getRootElementName(elementType);
final String cName = c.name();
String.format("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"%s\"
standalone=\"yes\"?>", cName).getBytes(cName));
for (Object o : t)
m.marshal(o, entityStream);
> On Tue, Feb 9, 2010 at 6:52 PM, Paul Sandoz <Paul.Sandoz_at_sun.com>
> wrote:
>> On Feb 9, 2010, at 6:44 PM, Moiz Dohadwala wrote:
>>> Paul,
>>> Thanks. I was leading that way myself. My concern regarding using
>>> jaxb
>>> fragments for streaming was the ability to marshal to json
>>> seamlessly. I
>>> guess I will find out.
>> You should be able to do that if you return a collection with a lazy
>> iterator implementation.
>> The StreamingOutput can work for XML or JSON but you need to do
>> that work
>> using JSONJAXBContext when JSON is used. Or say using Jackson
>> instead.
>> Paul.
>>> -Moiz
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM [mailto:Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM]
>>> Sent: Tuesday, February 09, 2010 9:06 AM
>>> To: users_at_jersey.dev.java.net
>>> Subject: Re: [Jersey] using jaxb to stream a large data set
>>> On Feb 9, 2010, at 1:15 AM, Moiz Dohadwala wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> We am currently using jersey to build a set of reports. The reports
>>>> on the UI are paginated, since the data set can potentially be very
>>>> large. However, we need to provide a download option to allow the
>>>> user to download the entire set. Currently we have been using jaxb
>>>> to provide support for xml as well as json. What options to we have
>>>> to support streaming streaming using jaxb in jersey?
>>> JAXB is not a streaming-based API so i guess any approach would be
>>> to
>>> utilize "fragments" of JAXB.
>>> The only current support for fragments of JAXB is returning a
>>> List<T>
>>> or Collection<T> (and it would be really easy to extend to support
>>> Iterator<T>).
>>> You could implement a Collection that supports a lazy iterator.
>>> Alternatively you could implement the JAXB fragment marshaling
>>> yourself using StreamingOutput [1].
>>> Paul.
>>> [1]
>>> https://jsr311.dev.java.net/nonav/javadoc/javax/ws/rs/core/StreamingOutput.html
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> --
> ------------------------------------------
> Felipe Gaścho
> 10+ Java Programmer
> CEJUG Senior Advisor
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