Hi there,
I would like to donate my business scenario as test bed for HATEOAS
implemented with JAX-RS.
What I need: a wiki page somewhere where I can describe my business case.
Then I start and other people can review and rewrite the parts they believe
wrong. We can have in short period of time a benchmark case. I will write
down only the business scenario and the suggested resources representation.
After that, everyone can implement that case in the way they believe better,
in which technology they believe better :)
Why to use my case instead of others?
1) Because the implementation of such project helps education in Brazil (
2) Because it is generic enough to be adopted by other JUGs
3) Because it is open-source and there are already some implementation
* Of course, we can also think about a "catalog" where several people
contribute with business scenarios, and eventually the more complete one
will emerge from this brain storm.
If you like the idea, please point me the wiki I can start to write down the
spec of PUJ.
* I will try this anyway, bu if I have the community attention I will get
some extra push :)
Felipe Gaścho
On Tue, Feb 16, 2010 at 9:50 AM, Paul Sandoz <Paul.Sandoz_at_sun.com> wrote:
> Hi Kevin,
> The Sun Cloud API is RESTful. Trust me :-)
> We need to address your point about examples, with use-cases, when we have
> more solid API details around hypertext and JAX-RS.
> People are already developing hypertext applications using JAX-RS they are
> just doing the work themselves. For example, Felipe is doing just that (he a
> link on this list to some slides out recently). IIRC Marc, and he can
> confirm or deny, has developed hypertext applications in the identity space
> using JAX-RS, but i do not think those are public. And i am sure others have
> developed similar examples.
> Paul.
> On Feb 16, 2010, at 8:29 AM, Kevin Duffey wrote:
> > Hopefully we can clarify this further with more concrete examples.
> I hope soon.. I would really like to know the "right way" to build HATEOAS
> apis. :D
> I have read this extremely long thread, and am really really confused now
> as to what is what. I thought the Sun cloud APIs was a completely restful
> API design. However, this notion that the client maintains state has got me
> a bit confused now. I would love to see some truly RESTful examples using
> Jersey/JAX-RS.. how to implement for example HATEOAS in the present JAX-RS
> such that I can claim my API is truly RESTful and that everyone on this
> thread would agree on.
Felipe Gaścho
10+ Java Programmer
CEJUG Senior Advisor