RE: [Jersey] Hypermedia clarification

From: Markus Karg <>
Date: Mon, 15 Feb 2010 22:49:16 +0100

It would have been more fair to tell Mr Fielding the whole story:

We have a discussion about HATEOAS and one programmer has the idea to switch
state by sending links encoded as fancy http headers or RPC-style
entity-free pure-action URIs, while the other programmer says that according
to your dissertation and blog entries HATEOAS enforces that state-switching
links must be part of the received document but never there may be neither
RPC-style entity-free pure-action URI nor links sent in fancy http headers
due to incompatibility and protocol dependency.

Just as a backgrounder so you understand what the question is targeting in.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Marc.Hadley_at_Sun.COM [mailto:Marc.Hadley_at_Sun.COM]
> Sent: Montag, 15. Februar 2010 21:52
> To: Roy T. Fielding
> Cc:
> Subject: [Jersey] Hypermedia clarification
> Roy,
> I'm hoping you could clear up a point in a discussion we're having on
> the Jersey users list.
> When the REST architectural style is mapped to HTTP, do the terms
> hypermedia and hypertext encompass:
> (i) HTTP headers and the entity body
> (ii) Just the entity body
> (iii) Something else (please explain)
> Thanks in advance,
> Marc.
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