Again: what version of Jersey and what client are you using?
On Feb 10, 2010, at 4:21 PM, George wrote:
> Hi,
> I have just discovered the problem. The issue is that I was also
> getting some parameter from the URL.
> After serveral tries I have realized that the first method parameter
> has to be the ones annotatted, or at least now it works.
> // Previous
> public void post(JAXBElement<Whatever> whatever, @PathParam("id")
> String id) {
> }
> // Current
> public void post(@PathParam("id") String id, JAXBElement<Whatever>
> whatever) {
> }
> Am I correct?
It should not make any difference.
It is very hard for me to help you without more information. If you
can send me a reproducible maven-based reproducible test case i can
better help you.