jersey test framework modularity

From: Pavel Bucek <Pavel.Bucek_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 12 Feb 2010 15:12:09 +0100


I was able to modularize jersey-test-framework (jersey-test-framework
depends only on jersey-client, jersey-server and javax.servlet),
introduced several new modules (one for each container).

The problem I'm having now is correctly define dependencies in samples
or to be more precise - how to define dependency on default or specified
test container. I wanted to do this centrally - somehow in
jersey-test-framework pom or anywhere else BUT it doesn't seem possible.
Maven has limited profile inheritance and it looks like its not really
stable (discovered various bug reports).

Currently I have to define everything in every samples pom file. Not
really convenient but probably the safest way.

I'm playing with helloworld sample in
jersey-test-framework-modularization branch and current state is:

when you execute *mvn clean install*, project will be tested using
grizzly web container. If you want to use different one, you need to run
*mvn clean install
(or different factory). No further action needed, profile should be
selected according to this single property.


       </dependency> <dependency>

profiles (not complete yet):

           <id>JDK 1.5</id>
               <dependency> <!-- enabling WADL support -->

           <id>Grizzly Default</id>
               <dependency> <!-- enabling WADL support -->



           <id>Grizzly Light</id>




      ... (others)

I would like to have feedback from you so if you see some possible issue
or if you have any suggestions, please let me know.
