- 1.0.3-SNAPSHOT: HttpServletRequest is not injected in constructor?
- 304 Not Modified does not send back Last-Modified
- [IDEA] making resource beans auto-discoverable when making modular web applications
- [jaxrs] Provide some feedback!
- [Jersey] 1.0.3-SNAPSHOT: HttpServletRequest is not injected in constructor?
- [Jersey] 304 Not Modified does not send back Last-Modified
- [Jersey] [IDEA] making resource beans auto-discoverable when making modular web applications
- [Jersey] [PATCH] SpringServlet doesn't quite work with Servlet Filters
- [Jersey] [PATCH] to allow the API of RESTful services to be rendered using hierarchial Implicit Views
- [Jersey] [WADL] How to make local schema navigated in WADL grammars
- [Jersey] [WebDAV] How to register WebDAV with Jersey?
- [Jersey] _at_Context annotated field in spring bean with prototype scope.
- [Jersey] _at_Path regex? URI fragment validation?
- [Jersey] _at_PostConstruct and _at_PreDestroy supported
- [Jersey] A message body writer for Java type [] and MIME media type, application/xml, was not found
- [Jersey] Apache HTTP Client contrib usage?
- [Jersey] Application.wadl placeholders...
- [Jersey] Automatic encoding/decoding of byte[] to base64Binary fields
- [Jersey] Basic Auth on the client side
- [Jersey] Build issues
- [Jersey] Cannot get injected a reference of a stateless EJB
- [Jersey] Cleanup of jersey-multipart BodyPartEntity data
- [Jersey] ContainerResponseFilter is not suitable for cleanup job
- [Jersey] Custom Context type is not injected?
- [Jersey] Decoding a URL
- [Jersey] Destroying injected context at the end of resource lifecycle
- [Jersey] encoding a jersey request
- [Jersey] Error resolving locale.
- [Jersey] error: A message body writer for Java type [] and MIME media type, application/xml, was not found
- [Jersey] evaluatePreconditions doesn't work
- [Jersey] ExceptionMapper
- [Jersey] ExceptionMapper and _at_QueryParam Objects
- [Jersey] Extract ResourceDoclet from maven-wadl-plugin as new artifact
- [Jersey] Extract ResourceDoclet from maven-wadl-plugin as new artifact)
- [Jersey] File upload multipart/form-data issue with Struts2-Spring
- [Jersey] File upload with Jersey
- [Jersey] Force contenttype?
- [Jersey] Full-fledged SSL under Jersey
- [Jersey] GrizzlyServerFactory ignores the path info from URI
- [Jersey] Guice module
- [Jersey] Having Jersey serve resource as singleton declared in applicationContext.xml
- [Jersey] How can I parse a java.util.List<?>? Is it supported by the Jersey client?
- [Jersey] How to add XML node to existing JAXB annotatied class?
- [Jersey] how to configure https+Jersey?
- [Jersey] I can't get a POST message to work
- [Jersey] InjectableProvider question
- [Jersey] Jersey + WEBDav problem on Tomcat 6
- [Jersey] Jersey 1.0 on Tomcat 6 with JDK 6 does not run
- [Jersey] Jersey 1.0.1: getMatchedResources and actual resources
- [Jersey] Jersey 1.0.2 released
- [Jersey] Jersey client and exceptions
- [Jersey] Jersey Client: How can I POST an object? I'm getting an HTTP 415 error.
- [Jersey] jersey-multipart
- [Jersey] JSON/JAXB Exception in Jersey 1.0.2
- [Jersey] JSONP Callback support
- [Jersey] Multiple resource formats
- [Jersey] non-valid jackson-lgpl-0.9.4.pom
- [Jersey] noob questions
- [Jersey] Oh hai, I has made you a _method=PUT etc. PostReplaceFilter...
- [Jersey] Parsing a response
- [Jersey] Paul is not well. Taking the Monday off.
- [Jersey] pojo to json
- [Jersey] prioritising HTML representations in web applications when using implicit or explicit views
- [Jersey] Problem saving binary data using Jersey multipart
- [Jersey] Proper way to read/write customized java types?
- [Jersey] Question on JAXB JSON Marshalling
- [Jersey] Question: Best practices related to Eclipse project structure
- [Jersey] Resource and XML Schema versioning...
- [Jersey] Sending a MultiPart JAXB object
- [Jersey] Sending xml to Jersey
- [Jersey] Servlet Filter - HttpServletResponseWrapper
- [Jersey] setting up Jersey without using Maven or web applications
- [Jersey] Should MessageBodyWriter be added for classes annotated with @XmlType?
- [Jersey] sideline caching via _at_Provider?
- [Jersey] Static references from JSP
- [Jersey] Sudden wierdness
- [Jersey] Support for injecting named beans into Jersey resources
- [Jersey] That's funny
- [Jersey] The new Client.getProviders() call
- [Jersey] Upload a file from form input,But hava got file is bad.
- [Jersey] Uri matching
- [Jersey] Usage of com.sun.* packages
- [Jersey] Use updated WADL spec
- [Jersey] Using filters
- [Jersey] using Jersey in Jetty
- [Jersey] Viewable in ExceptionMapper
- [Jersey] WADL + Ant
- [Jersey] WADL and resource wide params
- [Jersey] WADL Generation
- [Jersey] WADL generator resource loading uses the wrong class loader
- [Jersey] which version of JAXB works with jersey-json's JSONJAXBContext with natural format?
- [Jersey] Would it be possible to create a RESTful web service and deploy it in a clustered environment?
- [PATCH] SpringServlet doesn't quite work with Servlet Filters
- [PATCH] to allow the API of RESTful services to be rendered using hierarchial Implicit Views
- [WebDAV] Address Book Sample's Site now online
- [WebDAV] How to register WebDAV with Jersey?
- [WebDAV] Release 1.0 of WebDAV Support for JAX-RS published today
- _at_Path regex? URI fragment validation?
- A message body reader for Java type, class net.nighthawk.ifd.common.auth.UserAuthentication, and MIME media type, application/octet-stream, was not found
- A message body writer for Java type [] and MIME media type, application/xml, was not found
- AbstractMethodError on requesting resource
- Apache HTTP Client contrib usage?
- Application.wadl placeholders...
- Automatic encoding/decoding of byte[] to base64Binary fields
- Build Issues
- Cleanup of jersey-multipart BodyPartEntity data
- ContainerResponseFilter is not suitable for cleanup job
- Custom Context type is not injected?
- Decoding a URL
- Destroying injected context at the end of resource lifecycle
- Error resolving locale.
- evaluatePreconditions doesn't work
- File upload with Jersey
- Filters
- Force contenttype?
- Fwd: [Jersey] [WebDAV] How to register WebDAV with Jersey?
- Guice module
- Guice support in the trunk, but not being continuously built.
- Having Jersey serve resource as singleton declared in applicationContext.xml
- how to configure https+Jersey?
- InjectableProvider question
- Jersey + WEBDav problem on Tomcat 6
- Jersey 1.0.1: getMatchedResources and actual resources
- Jersey 1.0.2 released
- Jersey client and exceptions
- jersey-multipart
- JSON configuration
- JSON/JAXB Exception in Jersey 1.0.2
- JSONP Callback support
- Mixing sets and collections
- non-valid jackson-lgpl-0.9.4.pom
- noob questions
- Oh hai, I has made you a _method=PUT etc. PostReplaceFilter...
- On holiday from Mon 2nd to Fri 6th of March.
- Paul is not well. Taking the Monday off.
- pojo to json
- Problem switching to ApacheHttpClient in Jersey 1.0.2
- Proper way to read/write customized java types?
- Question on JAXB JSON Marshalling
- Question: Best practices related to Eclipse project structure
- Releasing 1.0.2 this week
- Resource and XML Schema versioning...
- Resource method interceptor
- Sending a MultiPart JAXB object
- Sending xml to Jersey
- Servlet Filter - HttpServletResponseWrapper
- setting up Jersey without using Maven or web applications
- Should MessageBodyWriter be added for classes annotated with _at_XmlType?
- sideline caching via _at_Provider?
- Some module view control issues fixed
- Structuring the FAQ
- SubResource locators and _at_Context injection...
- sudden wierdness
- Support for injecting named beans into Jersey resources
- SV: [Jersey] Uri matching
- That's funny
- The new Client.getProviders() call
- Uri matching
- UriInfo bug or as designed?
- Usage of com.sun.* packages
- Use updated WADL spec
- Using filters
- using Jersey in Jetty
- Viewable in ExceptionMapper
- WADL and resource wide params
- WADL Generation
- WADL generator resource loading uses the wrong class loader
- WebDAV Project Site is online
- which version of JAXB works with jersey-json's JSONJAXBContext with natural format?
- Would it be possible to create a RESTful web service and deploy it in a clustered environment?
- Last message date: Fri Feb 27 02:28:34 2009
- Archived on: Thu Aug 10 15:14:47 2017 PDT