Re: [Jersey] WADL + Ant

From: Paul Sandoz <Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 26 Feb 2009 15:45:51 +0100

On Feb 26, 2009, at 12:15 PM, cquiroz wrote:

> Hi
> First of all thanks to all the jersey authors, this is one of the most
> enjoyable frameworks I have ever used, great design!


> Now into my question, I tried to follow the ant task example as
> below since
> I want to create the REST documentation based on the code.
> However, the current code (jersey 1.0.2) doesn't work as indicated
> below. I
> can correctly create the docs but to use the extended javadoc tags
> I'd need
> to pass the resource.xml file as indicated in this example.
> It seems that the wadl task in 1.0.2 doesn't support the sub component
> wadlGenerators.

Yes, the Ant task is rather limited.

> Do you have any suggestions, is this coming in the next
> version?

Could you log an issue. We will try and fix it for the next release
(end of March start of April time-frame).
