Re: [Jersey] [PATCH] to allow the API of RESTful services to be rendered using hierarchial Implicit Views

From: James Strachan <>
Date: Tue, 24 Feb 2009 18:18:47 +0000

2009/2/24 Paul Sandoz <>:
> Hi,
> The first part of the fix is in place.
> I have modified WadlResource to depend on the injection of
> WadlApplicationContext (see end of email):
>    public WadlResource(@Context WadlApplicationContext wadlContext) {
>        this.wadlContext = wadlContext;
>        this.application = wadlContext.getApplication();
>    }
> Thus it is now very easy to write your own WADL resource by injecting
> WadlApplicationContext and then connecting that resource to implicit views.
> For example:
>  @Path("api")
>  @ImplicitProduces("text/html;qs=5")
>  @Produces({"application/vnd.sun.wadl+xml", "application/xml",
> "application/json"})
>  public class MyWadlResource {
>     @Context private WadlApplicationContext wadlContext;
>     ...
>  }

Great stuff :)

> Next steps:
> 1) investigate the move of WadlResource and creation of further classes into
> the API so that they can be
>     extended. My initial thoughts on this is i want to be conservative in
> terms of implicit views, implicit produces
>     and produces media types. i.e. the developer should override or replace
> as appropriate.
>     Currently the patch for WadlResourceResource and WadlPartialResource are
> really specific to implicit
>     views because there are not actual resource methods present. James, do
> you have any opinions on this?

I wonder if Jersey should ship with a default implementation of
WadlResource and WadlResourceResource (or whatever the 2 classes are
called - one for the application and one for sub resources) but by
default they are not mapped to anything (or maybe they are just mapped
to /application.wadl but then derived classes can map them to new URIs
with new @Produces/_at_ImplicitProduces?.

Then users can just derive from them and map them to a URI if they wish?


 @Produces({"application/vnd.sun.wadl+xml", "application/xml",
 public class MyWadlResource extends WadlResource {
   // not much code or inner knowledge of Jersey's impl required here
apart from the factory method to create nested resources...

  protected WadlResourceResource createChildResource(String uri) {
    return new MyWadlResourceResource(...);

Then the derived class is mostly about adding your own @Path /
@Produces and optional @ImplicitProduces and helper methods if you
need any? I'm keen for there to be as little ninja-Jersey hacking
required for folks to add the API stuff to their apps

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