Re: [Jersey] using Jersey in Jetty

From: Paul Sandoz <Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 12 Feb 2009 10:30:40 +0100

On Feb 12, 2009, at 2:16 AM, paradisonoir wrote:

> Hi Paul,
> Thanks for your response.
> Paul Sandoz wrote:
>> 1) What is the context path that the app is deployed at: "myWeb" ?
> Yes, That's right.
>> 2) Can you access the welcome files?
> Those are not important, my bad, I don't have any welcome file.
>> 3) What is the logged output from Jetty? is the Jersey application
>> being deployed? does the logged
>> output state that is has found root resource classes in the
>> package you declared? (i presume it does).
> Yes, jetty is deployed in web.xml. I didn't find the where it states
> root
> resource classes

Can you send me the log?

>> 4) What are @Path on your root resource classes and sub-resource
>> locator methods? Does the path
>> "employees/asdf/asdf" match to a resource class?
> Yes it is @Path("/employees/{firstName}/{lastName}")

I dunno what is wrong.

All i can suggest is you send me a a zip of a maven project that i can
look at.
