Fixed <was> Re: [Jersey] Static references from JSP

From: Paul Sandoz <Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 13 Feb 2009 17:28:15 +0100


I have committed this in the trunk.

James, the fix is a little different to that which you proposed, in
naming rather than in functionality. Strictly speaking it is not just
about static content because we can also include JSPs too.

Below you can find the web.xml for the bookstore sample that has been
modified to use a filter.


<web-app xmlns=""

        <filter-name>Jersey Filter</filter-name>
        <filter-name>Jersey Filter</filter-name>

On Feb 10, 2009, at 5:24 PM, James Strachan wrote:

> 2009/1/31 sarat.pediredla <>:
>> Hi all,
>> Just to add to this thread and get some clarification.
>> Is the bottom line now that I cannot use Jersey with static
>> resources? I was
>> hoping to replace Struts 2 (which I mainly use for MVC rather than
>> the
>> extraneous stuff) with Jersey in a new project and consider my
>> dismay when I
>> realised that if I set Jersey to map to /* then I could not serve
>> ANY static
>> resources.
>> In Struts 2, all I had to do was add a filter before the Struts 2
>> filter to
>> just forward to the static resource (JS, CSS, Image) etc.
> Yeah that approach should work with Jersey too
>> With Jersey using a servet in web.xml I figured this is not
>> possible at all.
>> In summary, is there an easy way to have Jersey as my "main" web
>> framework
>> and have it handle (or not handle and just pass through to Tomcat),
>> requests
>> for *.js , *.css etc?
> There's a patch here
> which builds on Paul's servlet filter work to add a regex property to
> the servlet filter so you can configure what servlet paths are static
> content and let your web container serve those up. I wonder if you
> could try that patch out on your web application and see if it does
> the trick?
> If you apply the patch you'll see the bookstore example serves up some
> static content (/css/style.css) and see the use of the regex in the
> web.xml
> --
> James
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